Chapter 9
The Information
The elf’s beady eyes filled with loathing and derision at the name.
“That horrible blood traitor, tainting the noble and most ancient house of Black. The mistress was glad to rid of him. The moment the scum left the house she wiped his name from existence...” he began to drone, his voice growing more and more angry.
“Did you... serve Sirius?” I breathed, mildly shocked.
“Unfortunately. It is because of that Kreacher know he has no children. Who are you?”
“I am Rosa Black.”
His eyes widened. “An unknown Black family member?” His expression went back to lathing and contempt. “A blood traitor that doesn’t deserve the title of Black?” he demanded.
“My father is Regulus Black.”
“Impossible! Master Regulus... died young.” The elf choked on the word.
“You were close with him, weren’t you?” I asked, my demeanour softening slightly.
“Kreacher could’ve saved him, Kreacher was under orders...” the elf began trembling, his eyes glimmering with tears. My eyebrows creased together in confusion.
“How did Regulus die?”
Kreacher refused to speak or look at me.
“I am Rosa Black, 7th year Slytherin, daughter of Regulus Black and Cassiopeia McMillan, daughter of Edward and Lylian McMillan. How did my father die?”
Kreacher trembled. “Master Regulus never...”
“He met my mother in a pub 6 months before his death. It was kept secret – only Merlin knows why, she is a pureblood too – and four months later she found out she was pregnant. The month after she told him, he suddenly disappeared, a few days later he was reported dead. She refused to tell me a thing about his death. All I know about him are the things my mother told me.”
“The Dark Lord murdered master.”
My mouth was half-open, ready to respond, but I didn’t expect that. My mouth was now just hanging half-open as I began to register what Kreacher just said. The Dark Lord... killed my father? A Death Eater?
“Why?” I managed to get out after a minute of silence.
“Kreacher cannot explain...”
Were those tears brimming in his eyes?
“P...please, Kreacher.” I struggled on the word ‘please’; it was foreign to me to have to beg.
“Kreacher has to work... Kreacher cannot say...” He turned around and hurried back to kitchen work.
Tears were building in my eyes. I was so close to finding out a truth I had been yearning for my entire life, and the only thing standing in my way was some lowly house elf. Clenching my jaw, refusing to let my traitorous tears fall, I turned around and exited through the hole, pushing the portrait’s door open. Shutting it behind me, I followed the winding basement corridors upstairs. Just before the staircase that led to the main floor near the Great Hall, I stopped and checked my watch. Sighing, I saw it was 6pm. I didn’t’ feel like getting back to Harry right away, so I figured I could just go upstairs and go back down into the dungeons and hope to Merlin Draco wasn’t there.
I turned the corner and went down a longer staircase and into the dungeons. I hurried down the long and winding corridors until I got to the portrait hole. I passed through it and, naturally, my bad luck hit. I couldn’t take it right now; the tears I had managed to hold back leaked from my eyes as I tried to walk as fast as possible across the corridor.
“What’s wrong, love? Lose your ‘birthday gift’ you claim to hate so much?” Draco watched me walk by, a smirk set on his face.
“In my dreams, Malfoy,” I drawled back. I stopped before the few stairs and turned to face him, my tears staining my face. He was still watching me. “You know what? I take that back.”
Draco’s shocked expression was rather priceless. He seemed to have readied a response, but what I added took him aback, leaving his jaw half-opened.
“If my dreams did come true, I never would’ve gotten that ‘gift’ in the first place.”
With that said, I took my leave, going to the dorms and jumping onto my bed, burying my face into my pillow and letting my tears fall into it, the occasional soft sob muffled by the thick softness. Does that jerk really have a black hole for a heart? Did he have to ruin my day to make himself feel bigger?
Did that stupid elf have to ruin my only chances to find out the truth of my father I’d been seeking for so long?
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:10 PM.
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