Chapter 26
"What's happening?? Ron? Dad? Mom? Is anybody there?" I yelled into the darkness.
"'Mione is that you?" Ron yelled out.
"Yeah it's me follow my voice." I said.
I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Ron.
"We have to find my dad Ron." I said shaking Ron.
I could see his face in the darkness and he nodded. Right then the lights turned back on. What I saw before me suprised me. I was looking into the eyes of Draco Malfoy pointing his wand to the dead Voldemort at his side.
Draco then looked to the left of me and walked away. I was confused and then I looked to the left of me. There was my father, eyes wide open staring at the ceiling. I looked on top of the table and there was my mother, as dead as my father and Voldemort were.
I let out a sob and collapsed onto the ground. Ron grabbed me and held me in his arms. I looked into his eyes and kissed him.
"I love you too Ron." I said crying, hugging onto him as tight as I could.
xX<3Xx I would love tons of reviews! Please and Thank you!