Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco Ok so I have a few things to say.
First the posting chapters Thursdays and Sunday thing aren't working, so I'll just post whenever I have time.
Second, school for me will be starting on Wednesday, August 26. That's only four days, so I'll be a bit busy getting back to my normal schedule and all.
And Third, my birthdays in 16 days (September 4th) and I'll be busy around then to planning my party. I won't have to share one with my brothers! So I won't be on a lot around then either. Ok thats about it.
I'd like to welcome SenoritaMaxie to our fan family!  Chapter 12:
You Shouldn’t Go
Rose set her wand down and sighed. Well, their was her answer. She was gonna go with Mr. P.B and find out who he was. She stood up from her seat on the bed and walked down to the common room. Hugo, Albus, and Lily sat on the couches and armchairs, talking about the dance. “Hey Rose.” Hugo said as his sister joined the three of them. “I sent my reply.” Rose said sitting down at the end of the couch. “What did you say?” Lily asked eagerly. “I said yes.”
“You what?!” Hugo and Albus asked looking at her. “Why’d you do that? You don’t even know this guy!” They said, still talking at the same time. Rose and Lily looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “And why not?” Rose asked crossing her arms. “Because! You don’t know him.” Albus replied looking sternly at Rose. “Oh please. You sound like my dad.”
“I’ll tell dad.” Hugo said smirking. Rose chuckled and shook her head. “I’ll tell dad about how you crashed the car into the broom shed, smushing the brooms along with it.” Rose said. Hugo’s smirk quickly vanished. “Just let her go.” He said looking at Albus. “No. She has nothing against me.”
“But I do.” Lily said.
Albus turned his head slowly at Lily. “You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.” Lily said. “Fine. We give up.” Albus said caving in. Rose and Lily high-fived triumphantly and stood up. “Perks of having totally idiots for brothers.” They said walking up to the girls dormitory. “They’ll never be able to beat us.” Lily said chuckling and collapsing on Roses bed. “Never.” Agreed Rose sitting down on the ground and looking up at Lily. “But maybe they have a point.” She said frowning a little. “I’ve barely know about this guy.” Lily lifted her head and looked at Rose. “Who knows, maybe it’ll actually work out between you too.”
Rose sighed and shrugged. “If he likes me.” She mumbled twirling a strand of hair. “What do you mean?” Lily asked. “Derek broke up with me. Something must be wrong with me.” Rose replied shrugging again. “I’m either way to smart for a guy or I’m just not pretty.” She said. Lily sat up and frowned at Rose. “What are you talking about? Rosie you’re the best girl I know.” Lily said. “Your funny, smart, beautiful! Nothings wrong with you.” Rose looked at Lily and smiled. “Thanks Lil. You always know how to make a person smile.
“It’s my job.” Lily replied hugging Rose. “Well we better go to Hogsmeade to pick out costumes.” Rose nodded her head in agreement and both girls changed into comfortable clothes before heading back down to the Great Hall. They sat down at the Gryffindor Table, waiting for the caretaker to come in tell the students they could go to the Hogsmeade. “So you know who your going with?” Rose asked looking at Lily. “Yeah, Blake Thomas asked me yesterday.” Lily replied smiling.
Rose and Lily continued talking about the dance until Xander entered the Great Hall, announcing that the student could leave before sulking out of the place. “Let’s go Rosie.” Lily remarked getting up and practically running out of the hall. “She is so excited.” Rose said smiling and rolling her eyes.
Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:15 AM.