Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
| Chapter 7
The Date
It took another few weeks for me to adjust to the schedule and general system of Hogwarts. It was mid-October now and, finally, the first day of freedom; we were going to Hogsmeade.
“You’ve never visited Hogsmeade?” Aurelia asked, shocked, as we walked down the main road, walking through the crowds of kids.
“I’ve only been in the country for 2 months. Either way, isn’t this a village geared more for Hogwarts students?”
“Quite a few adults and families come through,” Aurelia responded as she took my arm and pulled me to my right and into a small, packed building with the word Honeydukes built in all gold, shimmering capitals above the shop.
“Well, then I guess I’m not one of them,” I answered with a shrug.
We looked at the wall filled with various sweets. My mouth was watering at the sight before me; so many sweets, so few hands to carry the bags... We began to pick out what we could grab, eventually filling one big bag each. Once we paid for the food, we left the store and continued down the road.
“You did bring dress robes, right?” Aurelia asked, suddenly stopping in front of Gladrags Wizardwear.
“Yeah, I’ve got one for now. Why?”
Aurelia looked at me as if it was obvious. “You haven’t seen the fliers throughout Hogwarts?”
“Dear Merlin...” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “December 19th there’s a Christmas Ball for the 6th and 7th years.”
“Why post it now?” I asked warily, kicking away a large stone from the ground before me. It flew forwards, bounced off the cement step, and whacked my exposed ankle rather hard. I swore under my breath and kicked it again, angry at it. It did the same thing but hurt twice as much. Picking it up, I yelled “BUGGER OFF!” and threw it into the distance, down the empty road. I turned back to Aurelia, who was wide-eyed and her eyebrows had risen. I smiled at her and sweetly said, “You were saying?”
Aurelia blinked, caught off-guard momentarily. She took a breath and continued. “Some people don’t have dress robes, shockingly enough. Ordering can be a pain. I guess the Heads care about that kind of stuff. After all, you need dress robes for a dance.”
“A dance?” I asked flatly. This was some sick joke, wasn’t it?
“Oh come on, you have to go!”
I laughed, amused at the thought of me dancing. “No, I don’t.” I began to walk down the road, the dead autumn leaves crunching beneath my feet. A grip around my upper arm stopped me and dragged me back a few steps. Aurelia spun me around and gripped both of my arms.
“I can’t dance!” I snapped back indignantly.
“You just follow! You’re a girl for goodness sake; it’s not like you’re leading the Yule Ball waltz.”
I snorted at the thought and shook my head. “I broke the foot of my date to the Christmas Ball at Beauxbatons last year. Not sprained or bruised, broke. I’m a hopeless case when dancing, no matter how many lessons you put me through. I suck, I’m not going, end of story.”
I pulled out of Aurelia’s tight grip and turned around. She just spun me back around.
“I’ll go with you, that way you don’t have to dance with a date. Just by yourself.”
“And hurt myself? No thanks.” I turned around again, but was once again spun around by my friend. “One more time,” I snarled. “And I’ll break your foot.”
Aurelia’s lip began to quiver.
“No, don’t you...”
“Please...” her voice wavered with her lip. I could see the tears welling in her eyes.
“Don’t start...” I warned her. I can’t handle tears from anyone, myself included.
“This is their first year doing any sort of dance they’ve had I’ve been able to go to... I was in the hospital wing for the Yule Ball in 4th year... you might not like dancing but... have you seen me with guys? No one will ask me...”
“Someone will. You don’t give yourself enough credit, Lele,” I replied. If I’m convincing enough maybe she’ll lay off me.
“I wasn’t even asked to the Yule Ball before I was in the hospital wing! Please, at least be my back-up...?”
I sighed dramatically. “Only if you shut your quivering lip.”
“Really?” She wiped away a stray tear. “You mean it?”
“Yeah, yeah. No crying about it.”
“Thanks!” Her arms flung around me and strangled me in a long hug. She finally let me out of her death grip when I began coughing and sputtering for air. She looked fine now. Bloody acting skills...
“Ah, the Christmas Ball...”
I turned around slowly, looking up at the nearing deathly pale, blonde-haired Draco with his fat and skinny cronies.
“I hope you trip over some girl and break your nose again when you go, Draco,” I snapped back.
“That’s not very nice, is it?”
I scowled and crossed my arms stubbornly, glaring at him as he stopped before me and Aurelia.
“You know what would be best?”
“If you bugger off?” I cut in.
He smirked. “No, no. I thought this year would be a great way to get to know each other...”
“Why would I want to get to know the likes of you?” I cut in flatly, eyeing him suspiciously.
He stepped closer, now towering over me. I got on my tip-toes and looked right up at him, straining my neck just so I wouldn’t look as pathetic a head shorter than him. My eyes burned coldly into his. He bent his neck down, letting his face get closer to mine until it was just inches away from me. My heart began racing.
“Better now before it’s too late,” he breathed. My body shuddered in response, utterly disgusted. His smirk just grew.
I shoved him away, enjoying watching him stumble back into Crabbe and Goyle. They lifted him back up to his feet completely. He chuckled, now smiling at me.
“You still have a few months to think about it.”
I let out a disgusted ‘ugh’ in response. “I wouldn’t even say yes if I were available.”
His smile dropped to a stony mask of an expression, his eyes cold. “Not available? Already?”
“That’s right. I’ve already been asked.” I smiled triumphantly.
He tried to stare me down, believing I was lying just to get him to back off. I held his gaze, my eyes narrowing on his. The tension began to build until I spoke again.
“Would you like me to repeat it, looking directly in your eyes, unblinking? Again? Maybe spell it out for you?”
I’ve never seen him so worked up before. Why was it such a big deal if I went with him or not? He hates me. Before he could truly show how worked up he felt, his rigid, mildly shaking composure was totally regained and he smirked again.
“Well then, we’ll see about that. I’ll see you later, love.”
I grabbed my bundled up gloves from my pocket and threw it at him. He deflected it with his arm, chuckling. He began to walk away, Crabbe and Goyle flanking both sides of him just a step behind.
I huffily stomped up to my gloves and shoved them into my pocket, grumbling incoherently under my breath the entire time.
“So you are going with me?” Aurelia asked brightly, moving up next to me.
“Sure, why not? As your back-up at least. I think this dance may be more interesting than my last one after all.”
My friend smiled even brighter than before as we continued on our way down the road, heading to wherever we decided to stop next.
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-28-2010 at 10:08 PM.
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