Chapter Seventeen: Nine-Year Cycles, The Universal Year, and The Power of the Zero Cheesy Mac Chapter Seventeen: Nine-Year Cycles, The Universal Year, and The Power of the Zero Nine-Year Cycles
A numerological cycle is a nine-year cycle that occurs repeatedly in one's lifetime, but with a different theme ruling the cycle each time. The philosophy behind this is that all experiences in our lifetime are symbolized in the numbers 1 through 9. Your life is operating on repeated nine-year cycles, with every year having a number, and each number having a particular meaning. This meaning is your theme that year (called your Personal Year: see chapter nineteen for details). In nine years you will have finished a specific cycle, which also has a specific lesson to be learned.
See Chapter One for the unique symbolic meanings that correspond to evolution of a person's life in nine stages. Remember, we all move through the cycle of numbers 1 through 9, again and again throughout our lives. The Universal Year
The Universal Year Number is the actual year we are in, or in other words, the calendar year. If the year were 3002, all of the planet Earth would operate under the 5, indicating a time of change. Finding the Universal Year:
To determine the Universal Year, just add the numbers together. For the example year 2026, add the single digits 2+0+2+6 = 10. Reduce 10 and you will find it is a 1 (1+0=1). This means the whole planet is functioning under the vibration of the number 1 Universal Year. Also, because this 1 came from the number 10, which is a karmic number, and is written 10/1, representing both the full value of the 10 and its reduced number 1 (1+0). Therefore, we can say the Universal Year 2026 is a 10/1 year, a year of karmic rebirth and a time of new beginning without the burden of previous karmic debt.
In order to assess the meaning of each Universal Year, refer to the qualities of each number listed in Chapter Two (and don't forget to look for karmic numbers!) The Power of the Zero
The number zero represents an energy that's unformed and bursting with potential and therefore, should not be ignored. The 0 is full and empty at the same time and is symbolic of an open channel to higher forces. When you have a 0 behind a number, this magnifies the number ahead of it. If, as an example, you have a 30th birthday, the 0 magnifies the 3. This birthday might emphasize learning to speak your truth, express yourself, and make good friendships.
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