♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥ Chapter 24 Hermione gasped. There right in the middle of the room, floating in the air, was...........
"Mother?" I said sobbing.
"Ahh hello Mr. Weasley, Mr.Granger, and Miss Granger." The snake like voice said.
Voldemort's here! Where is he though? How do I get my mother down? How is Bellatrix alive? *pop*
"Sit down please, join me for some leftovers." Voldemort said.
I was hesistant but sat down quietly on the seat. My father and Ron sat in the chairs next to me. I grabbed my father's hand and squeezed it. I was terrified.
"Legilemens!" Voldemort shouted.
I screamed out in agony as he went through my thoughts. I could feel Ron shaking me but I could not stop it. Voldemort finally got out of my head and snickered.
"Miss Granger, let's have a talk." Voldemort sneered. "You see Draco never loved you. The house elve gave him Amortentia. You are probably asking why a silly house elve would give him that powerful potion. I was making it for Lucius and Narcissa. You see Lucius came to me and asked to make him the potion so his wife would love him again. Narcissa was never one to trust in the dark lord's power. Lucius brought home the potion and put it into a glass for Narcissa. He told the elf to give it only to Narcissa. The elf accidentally gave the drink to Draco. Now you are probably wondering how Draco was there seeming as he should be at that horrid school. Well he used the Head's floo and went to the manor for dinner."
"I hope that clears it all up." Voldemort said sitting at the other end of the long table.
Ron's eyes bulged out but Hermione said, "Tell me something else then. How is Bellatrix alive?"
"Well it's old magic you see. You might've killed her, but she is like the inferi in the cave that Dumbledore and Potter went into to get the fake horcrux. I have put the spell Inferio on her which makes her command to my orders even though she is dead. Now that we have cleared that up. Who would like to die first? How about your precious mother?" Voldemort said. xX<3Xx
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