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Old 08-08-2009, 10:15 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Harvey Jarvis
Second Year
Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus

Wow thank you for all the comments, all of you!

All right, well, without any more rambling (I'll continue with that at the bottom of the post ), here is the next and FINAL chapter!


Chapter 10

Hermione felt nervous, and she kept fiddling with the ring around her finger as she watched all the couples dancing. She felt overdressed and out of place, although this was probably because she was attracting a lot of male attention this night, which was something the Gryffindor bookworm was definitely not used to.

“’Mione, you look wonderful, stop fidgeting,” Ron said to her, catching her hands in his own. He and Harry rather incorrectly assumed she was worried about her appearance.

In reality, her mind was on a certain blond Slytherin who was currently having a rather animated conversation with Blaise Zabini on the other side of the Great Hall. She couldn’t help but admire the way he looked in his elegant black dress robes, how much she liked his hair naturally falling into his eyes. She tried to ignore the need to go and talk to him; this was neither the place nor time for that.

Not that there ever would be, she reprimanded herself mentally. She and Draco Malfoy could never be more than acquaintances… right?

Not even dancing with boy after boy could distract her thoughts, and finally she gave up, deciding that an early night might do her some good, perhaps bring her some peace of mind. Leaving Harry and Ron to their own devices, she made her way to the exit, and almost bumped into somebody by the Entrance Hall.

“Hi,” she said, when she recognized Draco, and suddenly felt a blush colour her cheeks. She prayed he wouldn’t notice, though she had a horrible suspicion he was prone to observing such details in a girl’s demeanor.

“Hi,” he said back, and then added, “You look lovely.”

She wondered if this was a sincere compliment, but why would he bother paying it if it wasn’t? Without even realizing it, Hermione smiled at him, feeling strangely light and happy all of a sudden.

He didn’t look as if he was going to say anything else, though, so she nodded to him.

“Well… goodnight, I guess,” she said, moving past him with another smile, towards the staircase.

She had barely made a step, however, when an invisible forced threw her back, right into Draco, who seemed to have the same problem.

“What’s going on?” she asked, looking around her and at the wizard in front of her, feeling rather unsettled. Why couldn’t she move away from him?

Draco shook his head and opened his mouth, she assumed to say that he had no idea either, when Professor Flitwick’s excited squeal drew their attention to the teacher. He was positively beaming at the pair when he looked at them, and then above them.

“Ah, yes, Albus does this every year. The enchanted mistletoe… there’s always somebody who gets caught,” he smiled. “Well, go on, kiss, or you’ll be stuck there for the rest of Christmas!”

His squealing had drawn the attention of a few other students, and as Hermione looked around them, she noticed that more and more people were gathering to watch what would happen.

“Bloody Headmaster, I always knew he was off his rocker,” Malfoy muttered. Then, he looked at her, and Hermione could swear she saw a hint of a smile play around his lips as he stepped closer.

“What are you doing?” she asked, feeling indescribably nervous.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I want to get some sleep tonight, so how about we just kiss,” he told her, and she could definitely tell he was smiling now.

He leaned down, so close she could see all the fine eyelashes bordering his silvery gaze. So close she felt his breath on her own lips, and almost involuntarily, she moved closer to him to close the distance between them.

When his lips touched the softness of hers, a strange feeling passed through her body, and she stopped caring about the fact they were kissing in front of the whole school. Now, all that mattered was him.

Little did she know his thoughts mirrored her own as he deepened the kiss.



So, how did you like that? Hope the ending makes you all happy

Anyway, that's the end of this fic, but I'm currently writing another, much longer, one, also Dramione. It's called "History Repeats Itself", and is in the Epic and Adventure Section. If you liked this, maybe you'd care enough to head over there too

I'll be posting a new one up by the end of August as well, so keep your eyes open!

Thanks to all who commented again! *hands out cookies. And milky, wonderful hot chocolate. And more cookies*

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