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Old 08-04-2009, 11:53 PM   #200 (permalink)
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Default Chapter 43

Hey guys, here's the next chapter. Let me know what you think.



Chapter 43: Interrupted

Directly following the wedding all of the guests were greeted by a change of scenery. The tent disappeared as well as the chairs, and alter. In its place appeared a dance floor surrounded by around 30 tables and chairs for the guests to sit in.

Everyone in attendance looked with shock at the amount of food set upon the buffet table that Mrs. Weasley had created with the help of Fleur and Ginny.

Off to the side of the dance floor there was a table set up with large speakers. Behind it was Lee Jordan; he was their lovely DJ and MC for the night.

As the guests finished up their food Lee announced that it was time for Shannon and Draco’s first dance. The song that began playing truly shocked Shannon. It was “Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts, which was an American muggle band.

“Draco, honey, I didn’t know that you listened to muggle music.” Shannon stated in confusion.

“It never came up in conversation before. What with us fighting for our lives and helping get rid of Moldie-butt.”

“Is there anything else that I would want to know about you that I don’t know yet? My dear husband.”

“I like the sound of that.” Draco told her, getting slightly sidetracked from the main question. “Well, my lovely wife, getting back to your question. There is nothing off the top of my head that I can think of that you don’t already know. You’ll be the first to know if I think of anything though.”

As the song came to a close and a new one began, the couple was joined by the rest of their wedding party. They were informed by Lee that it was tradition for the wedding party to dance the second song together. Tori later informed them that it was an American Muggle tradition.

Halfway through the song Tori stopped moving. She just stood there as a trickle of hot fluid ran down the inside of her legs. Her eyes widened as the first, dull cramp rolled through her belly, tightening her abdomen painfully.

”Severus!” She gasped his name as she stood there clutching her belly while a small puddle began to form around her feet.

“Yes, dear…” He said as he removed his head from her hair and moved back a step from her.

Tori looked down while still grabbing her stomach hoping that Severus would be smart and figure it out for himself so that she would be able to concentrate through the pain of the contractions that she was having.

“What…did you wet yourself?”

“No, stupid! My water broke, I’m in labor, and the baby is coming.” She said. It took a moment for her words to register and then Severus flew into action.

Severus left Tori standing there as he apparated home and grabbed her bag. He was back standing in front of her in less than a minute. He then ran over to the rest of the wedding party and told them what was happening.

“Severus, dear, you must bring her inside and use our floo to get to St. Mungo’s immediately. Don’t worry about anything other than getting our Tori there safe and sound.” Molly told him, having overheard his announcement. That woman sure did know everything when it happened. It was as if she had Fred and George’s extendable ears everywhere making it possible for her to be in the know.

“Thank you Molly.” Severus told her as he began guiding Tori towards the house and the awaiting fireplace. Shortly after they stepped into the hospital waiting room.
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