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Hogwarts RPG Name: Harvey Jarvis Second Year | Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus Hehe looks like I managed to get my hands on a connection for a bit... so, just to keep you happy, here's another part 
Thanks for all the lovely comments! ------------ Chapter 7 Draco walked slowly from the Library, his mind on other matters, when his musings were suddenly interrupted by a flustered Hermione Granger, who, much to his surprise, appeared to be chasing him.
“Malfoy!” she called, noticing that he’d spotted her.
He paused and waited, curious why she was after him. Of course, were any of the other Slytherins with him, he probably would not have given her a second glance, but even if he hadn’t yet fully admitted this to himself, he didn’t mind the presence of the young witch. In fact, he found himself thinking sometimes that he quite liked it; it was a certainly refreshing change from the sly and cunning and frequently dim individuals who hung around him form his own house.
“What do you want?” he asked her, once she’d caught up with him.
“I just… I was wondering…” she obviously wasn’t sure how to phrase her request, and Draco had the sudden feeling he didn’t want to hear what would come from her lips. In spite of himself, however, he urged her to speak.
“Spill it out, I don’t have all afternoon,” he said, harshly.
“I wanted to know what you were doing by the statue of the one-eyed witch that day,” she told him, looking him straight in the eye.
Although he was rather surprised by this demand, it was not information he was ready to share, and especially not with one of Harry Potter’s best friends. He knew that if the famous “boy who lived” found out about this, he would be expelled faster than he could explain himself.
“I told you it was none of your business,” he pushed past her, but her next words stopped him.
“I know you were trying to figure out how to open it. I know how.”
He turned around to face her again, slowly, disbelief threatening to overflow his features. How did Miss Perfect know about secret entrances to the school? And why on earth hadn’t she told the teachers yet? That was what he would have expected her to do, but he was seriously considering the possibility of having underestimated her.
“How do you know that?” he hissed, walking to stand dangerously close to her.
He did his best to ignore the rich fragrance of vanilla which suddenly assaulted his senses when he found himself mere centimeters from her. He had to give it to the girl, though, she certainly wasn’t intimidated easily; she stood her ground.
“I’ve used it before, but that’s beside the point. Tell me why you want to use it, and I’ll tell you how to open it,” she folded her arms across her chest.
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’ve already worked it out,” he smirked as he turned to leave again. Sometimes, random bits of parchment from Filch’s office really did come in useful.
Once more, however, he was stopped in his footsteps when she spoke.
“For Merlin’s sake, Draco, I won’t tell anyone! I’m not suspecting you of any evil activity, I know you’re under the protection of the Or…”
He clasped his hand against her mouth as he drove her back towards the wall, glancing around once to reassure himself that they were still alone. Thankfully, they were.
“Shut your mouth!” he paused, staring into her eyes and hoping she would realize that this was no joking matter.
If the wrong people in his house found out about his treachery, he knew he would not stay in Hogwarts for long. At least, not alive. Although he had no doubt that most, if not all, Death Eaters now knew he was not to be trusted, he doubted many of the aspiring supporters of the Dark lord did; Voldemort wouldn’t want a mess on his hands because some overzealous supporter decided to prove his loyalties to the Dark side by eliminating Draco.
As he stared at her, his hand loosened the hold her had on Hermione’s shoulder and her mouth. He kept staring into her eyes, and began absentmindedly tracing the lips he had just been stifling. It took him a moment to start thinking again and to realize exactly what it was that he was doing, and he moved away from her, quickly.
“Granger, that’s classified information and I don’t care how you found out, but if the wrong people here discover it also, you’ll have my death staining your hands,” he warned her, feeling slightly distracted with her wide, honey-brown eyes still staring straight into his.
“Fine, I won’t tell anybody, if…” she let the word hang in the air between them, the lips he’d just traced sporting a smirk to rival his own, “if you tell my why you wanted to leave Hogwarts.”
“Fine,” he frowned, barely realizing he’d raised his voice as he had to admit to himself he’d lost this battle with her. Oh, and how Draco Malfoy hated losing!
“Really?” she looked surprised at how quickly he’d agreed to her terms.
“I was going to see my mother,” he said quietly. “I know she’s hiding in the area, and I hadn’t seen her since the start of the year, I want to make sure my father hasn’t found her yet, because Merlin knows your precious Order doesn’t think that informing me of the wellbeing of my only living relative is something they should do.”
Hermione stared at him, obviously very taken aback by his admission. His frown deepened; let her be surprised then, let her pity him, why should he care?
Putting a finger to his lips to remind her to stay quiet, he marched off down the corridor. Despite his best intentions, he did care.
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