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Old 07-27-2009, 04:51 AM   #68 (permalink)
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Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Chapter 10:
The Flyers

Rose woke up the next morning as sun streamed in through the window, hitting her smiled face. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, stretching. She had had a great time with Scorpius at the Three Broomsticks the pervious night. They had talked about the usually things, eventually telling stories from when they were little. Rose tied her hair up and walked down to the Great Hall, still wearing night shirt and shorts. It was the weekend, almost everyone came down in their PJs.

She walked over to the Gryffindor Table and sat down across from Lily, placing some waffles on her plate. As she poured syrup onto her plate, she looked around and noticed that Albus and Hugo were no where to be seen. “Where are Al and Huey?” She asked setting the syrup pitcher down. “They were up late playing Exploding Snap.” Lily replied not looking up from her book. “Speaking of late, one of your roommates told me that you didn’t get in till two in the morning.” Lily said raising her left eyebrow. “Where were you?”

Rose looked at her. “What are you my dad?”

“Don’t you mean mom?”

“No I mean dad.”

The two laughed and continued eating. “So where were you? Please tell me?” Lily said pouring herself another bowl of Pixie Puffs. “I was out with…Malfoy.” Rose said hesitantly. Lily looked at her, the cereal on her spoon dropping back into her bowl. “What? You were out with….with Malfoy!” She yelled. A few people turned to look at the two girls, but they shrugged it off and turned back to whatever it was they had been doing. “Shut up Lily.” Rose said glaring at her. “He took me to the Three Broomsticks to apologize for kissing me.” She said.

“He kissed you!” Lily yelled again. And again, heads turned to look. Lily looked at them. “What do looking at! You’ve never hear a girl yell?!” She asked. “He kissed me because Poppy was bothering him, no big deal.” Rose said. But it was a big deal. To Rose that kiss had been amazing, but a still a little strange. All the pervious night she and Scorpius had avoided talking about potions and Poppy. Lily and Rose continued eating silently, both unsure what to say next. That is until their brothers arrived. Both sat down next his sister. “Did you see the posters?” Hugo asked pouring himself a goblet of juice. “Posters? For what?” Lily asked. “There’s going to be a Halloween dance.” Albus said. “Here, we picked up a flyer.” Hugo said placing a brightly colored piece of paper between the two girls.

“It says we have to dress up.” Lily said. “And it also says we cant dress up like witches or wizards.” Rose said pointing to some tiny print towards the bottom. They all laughed and talked about the dance.


Scorpius walked into the Great Hall and looked around. He noticed Rose Weasley walking towards her house table and smiled. She looked cute in her pajamas and her hair all messy. He walked over to the Slytherin Table and sat down next to Kelly. “Hey Kel.” He said putting pancakes on his plate. “What’s up?” Kelly swallowed and took of sip of her juice before replying. “Nothing much. Just tired.” She cut some of her sausage. “What about you?” Scorpius finished pouring syrup of pancakes and began cutting. “Just thinking about that dance.” He said. “You going?” Kelly shrugged. “I don’t know. It all seems over rated.”

Scorpius looked at her confused. “What? You don’t want to go to a party? What is wrong with you?” He asked putting a hand on Kelly’s forehead. Kelly slapped his hand away and laughed. “Nothings wrong.” She said putting more food In her mouth. Scorpius laughed, but suddenly stopped when he heard a girlish squeal come from near by. He slowly turned towards his right. Poppy was sitting next to him, her smiled face right next to his. “Can I help you Poppy?” He asked. “Scorpie. I forgive you. Now want to go to the dance with me?” She asked getting to the point right away. Scorpius looked at Kelly. She shrugged and picked her plate up, moving a few seat down, she didn’t want to be near Poppy.

Scorpius turned back towards Poppy. “Uh. No Poppy, I don’t want to go with you. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He said getting up and running out of the hall. Poppy frowned and turned back towards her friends. “Well I guess your going alone.” One friend said. “No. He’s just joking. You’ll see.” Poppy said. “He’ll come running into my beautiful arms.”

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:14 AM.
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