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Old 07-27-2009, 04:49 AM   #67 (permalink)
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Default New Chapter!
Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Ok well here are two chapters so I can catch up with Love Will Hurt. And I'd like to welcome deviljo8586 & shortbottom to our little LID family.

Chapter 9:
A Talk

Scorpius watched as Rose walked away quickly, a confused expression on his hurt face. Did Rose hate him? He just wanted Poppy off his back, he thought she would understand that being the understanding person she was. He sighed and walked back into the dungeon to clean up. While he scrubbed the cauldron clean, Scorpius’s mind traveled to the kiss. He had felt something when he had kissed Rose. What it was he had felt, he had no clue.

Then it dawned on him. Could he possibly like Rose Weasley? Uh being 16 was so confusing, he hated it. When Scorpius finished up he left to go back to the common room, and as he entered the dimly light room, a paper air plane came flying towards him. He immediately knew who it was, his dour mood gone and long forgotten. He snatched the air plane out the air and unfolded it.

Can we talk? You’re the only person I could think of going too. My friends wouldn’t understand.
~Smarty Girl

Scorpius moved to one of the study tables and grabbed an abandoned quill, jotting his reply done.

Sure. What’s up?
~Mr. P.B

Well something just happened a few minutes to me.
You see I was hanging out with this guy and he….kissed me.
I’m not exactly sure what to do now. I really, really, really like him, but I doubt he likes me.
~Smarty Girl

Same thing like that happened to me. Except with a girl =).
But if I were you, I’d tell him how you feel.
Maybe he likes you just like you like him.
~Mr. P.B

I don’t know, I’ll think it about.
So what about your problem, maybe I can help.
~Smarty Girl

We’ll me and this girl were hanging out just you were and I kissed her.
I didn’t mean to, it just happened. And after I did, she kinda of got mad. I think.
She just walked away as quick as she could.
Any clue what I should do?
~Mr. P.B

Wow, um. Maybe you should just apologize?
Tell her you didn’t mean to kiss or something like that. Maybe she’ll understand.
Do you like her?
~Smarty Girl

I already tried that and she still seemed upset.
I’ll think of something. Thanks though.
As for if I like her. I have no clue. When I kissed her it felt….strange, but great.
~Mr. P.B

As Rose read that last line, she sighed. That was kind of how she had felt when Malfoy had kissed her. When he had kissed her it had felt so strange, but wonderful at the same time. She had felt all tingly and warm. Oh what was with me, Scorpius would never go out with a girl like me. He probably wants a more sophisticated girl that his parents would like, she thought frowning. She picked her quill up and scribbled a reply down, saying that she was tired and that they would talk again later.


The next day was the most awkward day ever. Rose and Scorpius had almost every class together. Potions was the worst though. Rose sat in her seat, trying to keep her focus on the board in front of her, but it was so darn hard with Scorpius looking over at her every few minutes. She had decided not to take Mr. P.B’s advice and tell Scorpius that she liked him, it was to risky in her opinion. Scorpius looked at Rose again. Sighing a little. She still seemed mad at him. He decided to apologize again after class, hopefully he would be able to catch her this time. After every class Scorpius had tried to apologize to her, but Rose would always leave the classroom before everyone else and run off to her next class. Sighing, he pushed the rest of his thoughts aside, turning his attention to the professor instead.

When the bell rang, Rose quickly grabbed her things and made her run for the door. She walked out into the hallway and sighed, beginning to walk towards the stairs, but she was quickly stopped as someone grabbed her wrist. She closed her eyes and groaned, knowing exactly who it would be. She turned around to face the person. Scorpius was looking at her, his eyes pleading for Rose not to run away. “Can I help you?” She asked. “Rose, look I’m really sorry about….you know…kissing you yesterday.” He said.

Rose looked at Scorpius and just melted away as her brown eyes scanned his grey ones. She smiled and nodded her head. “That’s ok. I understand. Isn’t your fault that Poppy’s such a dim witted ninny.” Rose said laughing. Scorpius grinned, glad that Rose had forgiven him. “How about I buy you a drink at Three Broomsticks? My way of apologizing even more.” He said, putting a charming smile on. Rose looked at him, and melted even more. Oh, I hate him for being so adorable. “Sure. But your paying.” Rose said smirking. Scorpius grinned wider and they set off for Hogsmeade.

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:14 AM.
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