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Old 07-19-2009, 11:57 PM   #55 (permalink)
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Default New Chapter!
Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Ok, so all during my week long break I was thinking. I have a little over a month till school starts again. During seventh grade, I spent most of my time here on Snitchseeker and didn't do my best on homework or study for test. I made the AB Honer Roll, but I want to make the A Honer Roll in eighth grade, so I've made a decision. I will be updating every week on Sunday and Thursday, during the summer. When school starts I will update every other week on the same days. Thanks, and I hope you undestand.

Chapter 8:
Just A Kiss….Right?

Rose and Scorpius sat in one the empty dungeons, working on their Confusing Concoction. As they added ingredients to their cauldron, they chatted, talking about school, friends, and other things. “So what’s it like being the niece of the famous Harry Potter?” Scorpius asked while adding flubberworm mucous to the red colored potion. Rose sighed. “It’s a little strange I suppose, but I bet its weirder for Lily, Albus, and James. You know, being his kids.” She said shrugging her shoulders. Scorpius nodded his head. “My dad told me about the time they were fighting in the girls bathroom. I was a little creped out.” He said chuckling.

“Yeah, dads told me tons of things about your dad. I remember on our very first day at Hogwarts he said that I shouldn’t be nice to you or grandpa would disinherit me.” Rose said bursting out into laughter. Scorpius grinned. “That’s exactly what me dad said, except he said that my grandpa would kill me, not disinherit.” They continued chatting and making their potion. Around dinner time, they decided to stop for the day and meet up tomorrow and finish up.

Walking up to the Great Hall together, they went their separate ways for their own house tables. Rose watched as Scorpius walked to the Slytherin Table. How could a guy so sweet be in a house that’s so…..mean? She shrugged the question off and sat down next to Albus. “Hey. Where were you?” Lily asked looking up from her qudditch book. “I was in down in the dungeons with Scorpius.” Rose replied putting some of the Chinese noodles on her plate. “Wou were with Mawfoy?” Hugo asked, his mouth stuffed with chicken. “They were probably working on their potion for tomorrow.” Albus said.

“We were.” Rose said placing the noodles on her fork in her mouth. “He’s not that bad.” She said chewing slowly. “Nothing like his dad anyway.”

“How would you know?”

“Hello, I’ve heard the stories our parents tell us about his dad. Scorpius is nothing like him.” Rose said putting more noodles in her mouth. “So what are planning to do tonight?” Lily asked cutting some of her steak. “Just planning on hanging out in my dorm really. You can join me if you want.” Rose replied swallowing. “Sure, it’ll be fun.” Lily said placing some food in her mouth. After dinner the two girls went up to the Gryffindor Common Room while the boys went off to play qudditch.

Walking up to Rose’s dorm they sat down on the ground next to her bed and took out sweets, pigging out. They talked about different things, and eventually got to the subject of dating. “Lily, do you think I’ll ever find the one for me?” Rose asked sighing. “Of course you will.” Her cousin responded, shocked that Rose would even ask such a thing. “I wish I was like you. Your like sticky paper.” Rose said chuckling. Lily could get boys left and right, she had a certain charm to her.


Rose waited outside the dungeon that she and Scorpius were using, looking at her watch occasionally. Where was he? Scorpius came rounding the corner, running for his life. He grabbed Roses wrist and quickly pulled her inside the dungeon room. “What was that?” Rose asked. “Poppy….following….me.” Scorpius replied, taking in deep breaths between each word. “That girl is a nightmare.” He said finally catching his breath. “Yeah she is. Let’s get to work.” Rose said pulling the phial with the unfinished potion in it.

Suddenly the door flew up, a angry looking Poppy Parkinson standing in the doorway. She looked at Scorpius, not noticing Rose at first. But when she did notice, she looked at Scorpius. “What is she doing here!” Poppy asked pointing at a pale Rose. “Poppy, we’re working on our potions homework.” Scorpius said rolling his eyes. Poppy ignored Scorpius’s answer and spoke again. “Your cheating on me aren’t you.” She said. “How could you Scorpie?!”

Scorpius groaned and looked at Rose with an apologetic look before turning back to Poppy. “Look Poppy,” He began. “We were never going out. So I’m not cheating on you at all.” He said. “Now leave us alone.” Poppy stared at Scorpius and crossed her arms. “Why should I?” She asked glaring at Rose. Scorpius groaned again, but suddenly perked up as an idea came to him. “So I can do this.” He said grabbing Roses wrist again and pulling her in, planting his lips on her.

Roses eyes were wide open, shocked at what was going on. As Scorpius pulled away, she looked at Poppy and then at Scorpius, and then at the wall, unsure what to do. Poppy on the other hand, exploded. “HOW COULD YOU! I HATE YOU!” And stormed out the room, slamming the door behind her. Scorpius sighed of sigh of relief and turned to Rose. “Sorry bout that. Had to do something to get her off my back.” He said. Rose looked at Scorpius and nodded her head. “No, it was fine. I understand.” She said quietly. “Let’s get this over with.” She said sitting down and pouring the potion into the cauldron. Scorpius looked at her, a little concerned she might be upset with him, and sat down next to her, beginning to work. While they work, Rose’s mind couldn’t help but travel back to the kiss. She hadn’t seen it coming, but then who would. It just felt so…..strange to her.

When they finished the potion, Rose quickly put it into their phial and left the dungeon as quick as she could. She ran into her dorm and sat down on her bed. She needed to talk to someone, but who? Not Lily, she wouldn’t really understand, neither would Albus or Hugo. That’s it! Mr. P.B! She searched through her drawers, looking for parchment and a quill. She scribbled a note done and sent it off, waiting for the reply.

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:14 AM.
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