♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥ Chapter 21
I could finally see through the blinding lights and saw Bellatrix pointing her wand at me. "Crucio!" She said.
As I was writhing in pain once again I saw Viktor point his wand at Ron and shout, "Crucio!"
Ron then fell to the ground in the same pain as me but I took his hand to reassure him that we will be okay. I was glad when I felt him squeeze my hand back when we were both in the same pain. The curses finally lifted and we gasped for air.
"In an hour you will be in the dark lord's presence. We will come fetch you filth in 30 minutes. Be prepared." Viktor said glaring at us.
I looked at Ron and saw him wanting to punch Viktor's face in. I put my hand on his shoulder and he sighed.
Viktor and Bellatrix finally left us in the silent darkness.
"'Mione, What did you mean?" Ron whispered.
"By what Ron?" I asked.
"When you meant that you wanted to make me jealous. Who did you use to make me jealous? Was it Viktor, Cormac, Draco, or all of them?" Ron asked looking pleadingly in my eyes.
"Erm...uhh..." I said looking down at my feet.
I wasn't sure of my feelings anymore. It was all too hard to explain, but I couldn't tell that to Ron. Could I? Probably not.
"Hermione?" Ron asked.
"I'm not really sure Ron. Especially with all of this going on. When I know I will tell you as soon as possible." I said sighing.
He nodded his head and turned over on his arm laying down. I saw him wince and turn to the other arm. His arm had a huge bruise on it. The colors were mesmerizing to me. Black, purple, and blue. Pretty colors but not pretty when you see them from a bruise. Ron was closing his eyes and I muttered a spell wandlessly, that I learned from Harry in the D.A., which made the bruise fade away.
Ron opened his eyes and took my hand, "Thank you 'Mione. Wake me up before they come back down please."
"Okay I will." I said.
He closed his eyes and probably fell into a blissful sleep. Oh but I don't know how he does it. We are in the basement of Malfoy Manor and Voldemort is about to come and kill us.
When is help going to come? I thought looking into the silence of the darkness and listening to the noises from above.
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