♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥ Chapter 19 A Horrifying Suprise I opened my eyes a bit and closed them right away. My whole body hurt for some reason. Where was I? I then tried to move but I couldn't. I finally opened my eyes and gasped.
There were chains covering me and It looked like I was in the basement of the Malfoy Manor again. This must be a dream. I looked to my right and there was Ron laying on the ground, eyes closed. I scooted next to him.
"Ron, Ron. Please wake up!" I whispered.
I pushed him a little bit and he stirred, "Ron, wake up please!"
Ron finally woke up and said, "Where am I? 'Mione?!? Oh no! They caught us!"
"What? What are you talking about Ron? Please tell me!" I said.
"Well I was walking into the Head's dormitory and your portrait whole was open. I walked inside and I saw Bellatrix Lestrange and Krum. So then I saw you heading towards the door and I grabbed around your waist and pulled you out. I think you must've hit your head on the bed post though. Sorry Hermione." Ron said.
"That's okay Ron. I'm just glad you got me out. Now what I don't get is why are we in the basement of Malfoy Manor when we should be at Hogwarts." I said.
Ron shrugged and said, "Well after pulling you out I remember being blacked out. So they must've caught us."
"Actually no I helped them." A shrill voice said coming down the stairs.
"Who's there?" I asked.
"Nice to see you too Granger." Draco said.
"What? Bloody He**!" Ron said.
I scooted closer to Ron and held his hand but said, "Why are you doing this? You work for the order!"
"No, mudblood, I don't work for the order, I was a spy for the Dark Lord." Draco said.
"Then how come last time all of us were in chains? Explain that!" I yelled.
Draco laughed evily and said, "Well actually father didn't know that a spell had been put on me. But the Dark Lord knew, so the Dark Lord was supposed to come that night to come take it off of me while he tortures you two to bits."
"What spell? No, wait I thought you loved me!" I yelled.
"That's a story for another time mudblood. By the way I never loved you, it was the spell. Now here's some food. Eat up, we don't want the Dark Lord to see our prisoners unhealthy." Draco said throwing bits of meat and some other food on the floor. He then left walking up the stairs snickering.
"Ron? You know how he said that the spell made him love me, right?" I asked.
Ron nodded his head and muttered a "yeah."
"Well what if it was Amortentia? Also how would Voldemort know about it?" I asked.
Ron shrugged and we started to eat the filthy food lying on the ground for us.
I then heard a bang from up stairs and then feet coming down into the basement leading toward us..... Please review and have an amazing day! Jessica
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