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Old 06-29-2009, 01:53 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco

Chapter 4:
Payback Time

Scorpius woke the next morning, his arm sore from having to scrub the owlery walls, floors, runway, everything that the owls pooped on, which was……EVERYTHING! What was worse was that he had been forced to use a toothbrush. He groaned as he sat up in his bed, rubbing his arm.

As he brushed his teeth (close to gagging) he remembered that he had not sent a reply to Smarty Girl. He closed his eyes, groaning at how stupid he was. He really wanted to meet the girl yet he was to dumb not to send her a reply, even after he returned from detention.

Spitting into the sink, Scorpius decided to write the girl a reply after breakfast. She would understand, right? He took his shower and headed upstairs to the Great Hall, sitting down at the Slytherin Table next to Kelly, Lloyd, and Herald. “Morning guys.” He said placing some sausages on his plate. “Where were you? We stayed up till one waiting for you to come back from the tower.” Herald said stuffing scrambled eggs into his already full mouth.

Scorpius cut a piece of his sausage out and chewed it slowly before responding. “I….fell asleep.” He lied. He didn’t want Lloyd and Herald to know that he had met a girl, those two couldn’t keep a secret if their pointless lives depended on it. Scorpius also didn’t feel comfortable telling Kelly yet either. True she was his best friend and he would eventually tell her either way, but right now just wasn’t the best time.

His three friends went on eating, not noticing the lie. “Heard Xander gave you detention.” Kelly said buttering some toast. Scorpius nodded, placing another piece of sausage in his mouth. He looked around the table and noticed Poppy looking at him, no not looking, staring! She noticed Scorpius watching her and blushed, returning to her empty plate.

“You should have seen her last night. She kept coming over to my bed asking where you were and when you were coming back. I was so close to strangling her toothpick neck.” Kelly said demonstrating on the piece of toast she was holding. Scorpius chuckled and set his fork down, getting up, and as he reached the twin oak doors, she came running up.

“Scorpy! Wait!” Poppy yelled waving her arms frantically. Scorpius sighed and waited for Poppy to catch up. She stopped next to him, pouting her face, making her look exactly like her pug faced mother. “Where were you last night? I waited and waited and you never showed up.” She said. “None of your business Poppy.” Scorpius replied. “Oh well, there’s a Hogsmeade trip today. Everyone’s leaving in 10 minutes, wanna come with me?” Poppy asked rocking back and forth20on her heels. Scorpius rolled his eyes. ‘I might as well. Maybe she’ll leave me alone if I go’ Scorpius thought. “Sure Poppy, I’d love to go with you. Meet in the entrance hall.” He said winking at her. Poppy squealed, running back to her friends to tell them the good news.

Scorpius rolled his eyes again, making his way back to his dorms. ‘What did I just do?!’ He thought.


Rose sat at the Gryffindor Table, dark circles under her brown eyes. Hugo took a break from demolishing his food and looked at his older sister. “Swomtwing wong Wose? You wook weepy?” He said. Rose shook her head and poured herself a goblet of pumpkin juice. “I was just up really, really late.” She said taking a sip. She heard a squeal, almost like a pig squeal and looked around to see if she could find the owner of the sound. She saw Poppy Parkinson running to her friends, an excited expression on her pug like face. Her vision moved to the oak doors where Scorpius Malfoy stood, rolling his eyes and looking disgusted, before leaving the hall.

Rose continued sipping her juice, which miraculously woke her up quite a bit, until it was time to go to Hogsmeade. Rose had agreed early that day to go the little wizard village with Lily, Hugo, and Albus. She followed her cousins and sibling out of the Great Hall and into the Entrance Hall. She waited while the kooky old caretaker checked their permission slips.

Then finally she was on her way to her favorite thing about Hogwarts. Th[/FONT]ey arrived, stepping onto the main street of the town. “Well where to first guys?” Lily asked looking around anxiously at the stores. “How ‘bouts we go see if Uncle George is at the shop?” Rose asked heading for Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes.

A few years before even James Potter had begun Hogwarts, George had went ahead and bought Zonkos out, for the memory of his twin brother. The four walked up to the store and peered in through the glass. The store was already packed full of students, you could barely see anything. “There! I think I see him!” Albus said spotting some bright red hair deep in the store. They all rushed into the store, pushing and shoving their way to the counter. George stood behind the wooden aisle, placing some Wonderwitch Products on the shelf behind him. “Hey Uncle George.” Lily said looking at the produ cts. George turned around to face his nieces and nephews. “Oh, hey! Nice to see all of you here.” He said smiling.

“Great to see you too. You’re normal never here when we have trips.” Rose said smiling. “So got anything new?” They all asked after a while. George laughed and began showing them the new products. Rose left the shop with five Patented Daydream Charms, Lily with Patented Daydream Charms, Albus with a month supply of Skiving Snackbox, and Hugo with Shielding Hats and Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. As they exited the shop an owl flew down near them and landed on Rose’s shoulder. “What the heck?” She mumbled taking the note from the bird. She looked at the front of the folded up paper and smiled to herself, slipping it into her pocket.

“What was that Rosie?” Albus asked raising an eyebrow. “Nothing, just a note from a professor.” Rose said. She didn’t want to tell her cousins and brother that she was talking to a guy she didn’t even know. They would probably yell at her for being dumb and maybe even tell her overprotective father and mother (though Hermione wasn’t overprotective). The other three shrugged and began walking down the street again, looking for their next stop.

They stopped outside a store to look at the window display, when Rose felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to face Derek. He smiled at her, causing her to blush slightly. “Hey. Great day, huh?” He said cheerfully, as if nothing had happened the night before. Rose pushed her thoughts on how cute he w as to the side and looked him up and down, a puzzled look on her face. “You look familiar; did I see you in the zoo parade?” She asked walking away. Albus, Hugo, and Lily tried to hold their laughter in. This was so unlike Rose. When they could no longer hold it in, they burst out laughing, clutching their stomachs from laughing so hard. Derek still stood there looked shocked. They looked up at him. “Next time you mess with her, she won’t be so nice.” Hugo said. “Believe me I should know.” And with that, they walked off to look for Rose.

Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:10 AM. Reason: added banner
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