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| New Chapter! Mootabulous | | I ♥ Draco
Here's the next chapter! Oh and like my banner! Anna Banana made it! She is a wonderful graphic maker!
[CENTER] Made By: Anna Banana  Chapter 3:
Smarty Girl & Mr. PB Rose sat near the lake, tears no longer spilling down her face. No the tears had been replaced with anger. How could he do that to me, she thought, how can he tell me his loves me and then just dump me?! Rose was ready to go back to the common room when she felt something poke her back. “OW!” She yelled snatching the plane. She opened it up and read it. Hi.
Ok, this is weird, Rose thought looking around to see if she could find the sender. No one else but Rose was outside. She folded the piece of paper up and rushed upstairs to the common room. She barged into the girl’s dormitory and ran over to her bed. She took out a quill and began writing. Ok, who are you and why are you writing to me?!
Rose took out her wand and tapped the paper. It folded itself into the air plane and flew out the window just as Lily entered the room. Rose looked at her and hid her wand. “Rose is something wrong?” Lily asked noticing her cousins red eyes and wet cheeks. “Uh no. Nothings wrong.” Rose said sitting down on her bed. Lily frowned and sat down on the bed next to Rose’s. “Really, because I heard the Derek dumped you.”
“Who told you that?!” Rose demanded. “The Fat Drunk Lady.” Lily replied simply. “So is it true.” She asked looking at Rose. Rose leaned onto her pillow and nodded, a new set of tears flooding her brown eyes. “He…told he loved me and just….” But before she could finish she started bawling her eyes out. Lily got up from her seat and moved over to Rose, putting an arm around her and comforting her, saying things like:
“It’s ok Rosie. It’ll be ok”
“Derek’s a scum bag, he has clue what he’s missing out on.”
“Want me to hex him?”
Rose laughed at the last remark and stood up, walking over to the bathroom. “Thanks Lil.” She said washing her face. She changed into her pajamas and sat back down on her bed next to Lily. “I’ll see you tomorrow; I need to study for a huge Transfiguration test.” She said standing up. “You got any butter beer? I’ll need it to stay up.” Rose nodded. “In my wardrobe; under my extra robes.” Lily walked over to the wardrobe and took two butter beers, thanked Rose, and left for her own dorm room. ••• Scorpius waited in the Astronomy Tower, passing back and forth, back and forth, waiting for the mystery girl to reply. Sure his greeting had been rather short, but she had rushed off, maybe to get a quill so she could reply. He heard a swoosh from outside the window and turned to look at it, hoping to see a paper air plane.
Scorpius turned and saw what he was hoping to see. He took the air plane and opened it. He laughed slightly, expecting the reply. ‘Of course.’ He thought picking up his quill, his Astronomy homework long forgotten. He wrote a reply and tapped the paper, sending it off. ••• Rose looked at the window as the plane flew in and landed on her drawer. She picked it up soundlessly and unfolded it. I’ll go by Mr. PB so we don’t give our identities away. And I saw you by the lake. You looked like you were crying. Why?
Mr. PB
Rose: Ok, I guess I’ll be Smarty Girl.
I was crying because, well, my boyfriend broke up with me.
But I don’t think you would understand that.
Smarty Girl
Scorpius: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.
And I’ve had my heart broken by girls before. Though I except it’s different when a guy breaks up with you.
Mr. PB
The conversation went on for hours until Scorpius was caught upstairs by the care taker. He didn’t get a chance to send Smarty Girl and reply, so Rose sat in her bed waiting till four in the morning for Mr. PB to reply.
Last edited by MarcyMoo; 12-15-2009 at 02:09 AM.
Reason: added banner