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Old 06-25-2009, 10:59 AM   #204 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isla Reeser
Exclamation Chapter 17
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥

Another Long Chapter....

Chapter 17

February 14

It's been a while since that night of December 21, I haven't seen Viktor which is good, but like he said, he'll be watching. Also after that night on the next day nobody noticed me like I thought, it was a shame really. I walk outside of Howarts into the cool breeze of the February air. Today is Valentine's Day, the day I've been dreading.

Draco is still with Pansy and he's insulting me more each day. Ron is back with Lavender again and I have nobody. I sit down on the rock facing two memoriable places. The place where I hugged Ron with all my might in my 3rd Year watching Buckbeak being killed. Another right where I punched Malfoy in the face. Which guy is the right one? This is so confusing! I thought.

I heard the bell ring for everyone to be at breakfast. I race to the Head's dormitory, mutter "Fearless", and walk into the Head's common room. It seemed like no one was there I paced up to my room through my muggle clothes down and put my school robes on. I then saw a note on my bed.

Miss Hermione Granger,

There is some very important news regarding yourself which the Order would like to talk to you about. Do not tell Mr. Harry Potter, Mr. Ron Weasley, Miss Ginevra Weasley, or anybody else. This is for your own good. Come down to Headmistress McGonagall's office after breakfast. You may miss your first class but be aware that we have notified the professor. Happy Valentine's Day.

Alastor Moody

P.S. Licorice Snaps are my favorite.

I was confused about the letter but put it in my pocket of my jeans underneath the school robes and hurried down to the Great Hall. The only seat open was by Ron. I sighed, walked over, and sat down.

"Hello Hermione! Where were you early this morning?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah 'Mione, I didn't see you." Harry said.

"Oh I was just taking a walk outside of the castle that's all." I said.

They nodded their heads and continued eating. I took a piece of bread and began buttering it. I was almost finished when there was a hoot and I dropped it on the ground.

I growled picked it up and put it to the side. It wasn't worth it now, I never believe in the 5 second rule, there is no point food will get dirty no matter what, 5 seconds can be a lot to have dirt on it. Here come the owls.

I didn't expect any to come to me but about 4 owls set down letters in front of me and another came and struggled to not have the package land on my head. I took the package out of the owls feet and set it down. I opened the first letter and frowned. It was blank. No wait! Writing is beginning to appear.


Happy Valentine's Day!
I wish you could be in my arms right now.
I miss you so much.
It's hard to be away from you, especially with Pa..erm..never mind.
I love you.

P.S. By the way I'm writing this to you now so that when I write on it you will see it also. When you write on it I will see it.

I smiled at the letter and looked around to see if anybody was writing. Well it was pretty hard to try to find the right one when almost everybody in the Great Hall was writing there replies. I opened the next letter and smiled.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Friends come and go
But I'm thankful I have you!

Happy Valentine's Day 'Mione!


I brought my eyes up to Harry and smiled.

"I didn't know you knew poetry Mr. Potter." I said.

Harry looked at me and laughed, "Oh yeah well I actually took a book from the library and stole one of those lines."

I laughed at him and I said, "Well at least I know you were actually reading a book."

He laughed and continued his conversation with Seamus.

I opened up the next letter which was on a muggle stationary with hearts all around the edges of it.

Happy Valentine's Day Hermione!
You need to have the best day today and that's why I'm taking you to Hogsmeade!
By the way you can not say no!
You need makeup and more girly stuff.
I also found this muggle paper at a store in Hogsmeade do you like it? I love it!
Happy V-Day!

Love you!

I laughed at what Ginny wrote and looked up at her. She was red and I could tell that she knew I was reading her letter.

"Ginevra Weasley!" I yelled.

She then turned and tried to pretend that she didn't know what was going on ,"Yes."

"You know what I'm talking about!" I said.

She then smiled and said, "Well I'm taking you no matter what!"

"Okay well after I meet with Headmistress McGonagall to discuss a homework assignment." I said.

Ginny nodded and continued reading her letters.

I opened up the last letter and my heard pounded faster.


Don't tell La..erm..I mean anybody I wrote this to you.
Okay well let me get on with it.
I love you very much and I don't see what you like in him.
He's a selfish prat! Do you not remember what he did to you in all of these years?
I know if you don't love me then you don't have to be with me I understand.
By the way you still haven't answered my question that I asked in the Astronomy Tower that night.
It seems forever ago. Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you make the right decision.

I took a glance at Ron and Draco. They both wrote me letters but how am I supposed to know which one came from who. I sighed and took the letter off the package and read it.

Dearest Hermione,

We hope you are having a wonderful time at Hogwarts.
We miss you so very much!
I hope you have an amazing Valentine's Day!
In this package is what was passed down through our generations.
We wish that you like it and will wear it.
We love you very much.

Love you, forever and always,
Your Parents

I quickly put the letter to the side and opened the package. Inside it was a beautiful jewelery box. I carefully opened the jewelery box and found dozens of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. I felt a tear drop from my face and I smiled.

I was overjoyed. I put the box carefully back in the package it came in and I gathered all of my letters up. I was about to leave when Ron grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"What is it Ronald?" I asked.

"Erm..uh..where are you going?" Ron asked.

"Well I'm going to put these back in the dorm and I'm going to go meet Headmistress McGonagall about a homework assignment." I said.

Ron nodded and continued eating. I took a glance towards the Slytherin Table noticing a certain blond hair boy not there. I sighed and went up to the
gargoyle that leads up to Headmistress McGonagall's office.

I whispered "Licorice Snaps" and I stepped onto the moving stairs. I knocked on the door to her office and it opened showing the face of Alastor Moody.

"Ahh, Miss Granger we have been expecting you please sit down." Moody said.

I nodded, sat down, and checked my surroundings. There was Moody, Tonks, Lupin, Snape, McGonagall, and Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

I gulped and looked at Moody who was pacing around. I felt very nervous. What had happened? I cleared my throat to know that I was here and Moody finally spoke up.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Malfoy today has received a letter from his father stating something regarding yourself. Mr. Malfoy, please?" Moody said.

Draco walked in front of me and looked into my eyes. He seemed sad but he still started to talk.

"Granger, my father had said that they have captured your parents, and if I don't bring you to him that I will be killed." Draco said firmly gripping McGonagall's desk.

I started to cry in my hands and I felt something warm on my back. I looked up to see Tonks rubbing my back.

"Hermione, It will be fine. We will just have to find out a plan for this. Just please don't tell Harry, Ron, Ginny, or whoever else. It would be too hard for them knowing about this." Tonks said.

I just nodded and thought about how my parents could be dead any second by now.

"There is also another thing." Draco said. "Viktor Krum is imperiused and if I don't bring Granger to him by tonight Krum will be kidnapping her."

I gasped for air and I felt like this was the worst day in my life. Little did I know the worst day of my life wasn't today, but it was coming up soon enough.

I would love tons of reviews! Please and Thank You! ~Jess

Last edited by JeshieRAWR; 06-25-2009 at 11:15 AM.
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