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Hogwarts RPG Name: Isla Reeser Graduated | ♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥ Chapter 13
I walked over to Ron nervously and felt a sudden rush of a blush coming on my cheeks. He smiled at me and took my hand. "Erm...Hello Hermione." Ron said. "Hello Ronald." I said. He smiled and blushed scarlet. "Erm... I was wondering if you erm.... wanted to be....ummm my girl..erm...friend?He asked looking down.
They turned a little in a circle until the door was right behind Ron about 10 feet away. Hermione looked into his eyes and before she could say something she gasped. Draco was standing right behind Ron looking furious. Ron finally saw and heard Hermione gasp and turned around.
"So Granger, I'm guessing your going to pick him, eh?" Draco asked glaring at me. "Erm... I'm not sure." I said. "Well you need to make up your decision Granger because I can't wait so long for you." Draco said smirking at her. Oh how I hated that smirk of his. Then there was a crash outside of the door.
Death Eaters she thought. "Attack" She heard. Ron and Draco grabbed her and they huddled together in a broom closet that the Astronomy Tower had. Ron on her right and Draco on her left closet to the door. They had heard another crash, right outside of the broom closet. They furthered into the brrom closet and looked for an exit. The door bursted open to find... Lucius Malfoy.
Lucius's eyes were beaming at Draco in a horrible way. Ron and Draco tightened their grip on Hermione as they knew what was coming. Lucius grabbed Draco's arm and dragged them out of the broom closet. Lucius muttered a spell and they were all tied up with invisible ropes. "Looky here, I found the poor blood traitor, the filthy mudblood, and my ex son." Lucius said looking at each one of them. "Let us go father!" Draco said. "Ahh, Hello Draco, I'm sorry but I can not do that for I have to kill the mudblood." Lucius said.
Hermione was frightened and squeezed Draco's hand. Draco winced and said, "Why?" He said growling angrily. "I have information from a reliable source saying that you have been with the mudblood for a while." Lucius said. "Pansy told you didn't she?" Draco said still having the growl coming out of his mouth. His mouth was twitching.
"Correct. Now Draco for the fun part. I will get one of the newest deatheaters to come out and torcher the mudblood in front of you lot." Lucius said smiling evily. Draco's and Ron's eyes widened while Hermione started to wimper and cry. Out of the shadows came a figure with a mask and black cloak on. "Mr. Krum no need to have the cloak on, Miss Granger should see who she is getting torchered by." Lucius said.
Hermione lifted her head to face Viktor Krum. Viktor then said, "Kneel now mudblood!" He said angrily. She started to cry with tears like hail tumbling down her cheek. She took long glances at Ron and Draco before she knew what was coming.....
In the Gryffindor Common Room...... Ginny's POV
I wonder where Hermione/Ron/and Draco are. Probably just arguing about something. Oh well. I stared at the fireplace for a while until I decided to read my book upstairs. I was reading when I heard something downstairs. I started slowly and quietly down the stairs. There was Cho and Harry arguing about something. Harry's POV
I couldn't believe Cho had the nerve to ask me out! How dare she! Everyone knows that me and Ginny are together! Ginny's POV
Oh no! I think that Cho just asked Harry to go to the ball with her! She can't! I know it's not good to cry but I can't help it! I don't want Harry to go with Cho and Harry still hasn't even asked me yet! It's not fair!
Ginny walked up to Harry grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him full on the mouth. She parted with him quickly and said, " Harry, are you ever going
to ask your girlfriend to the ball? Or am I just going to have to ask myself?" Cho glared daggers at Ginny and said, "No Harry pick me! You know you want
to!" Harry was in a confused state. He didn't know what to do. All what he could think of was going with his girlfriend which would be the proper choice or go with his ex which wouldn't but he still likes her. Harry ruffled his hair and walked out of the common room leaving the two enemies there.
In the Astronomy Tower...........
"Crucio!" Viktor said raising his wand at Hermione. Hermione screamed in pain of the cruiciatis curse. Ron and Draco were yelling and fumbling trying to get
out of the ropes to help their loved one. Viktor and Lucius laughed at all of them. "Just wait until the Dark Lord comes" Lucius said smily evily again.
"You will never get away with this!" Ron said.
"Oh is that so? hahahahahaha!" Viktor said. "I thought you loved her! How could you do that to her Viktor?" Ron said. "Oh the mudblood your referring to? Oh well it's quite obvious I went out with her to get some information out of her from you two, it didn't seem to help because my emotions got the best of me so I ended up snogging her most of them time." Viktor said.
Draco and Ron winced thinking about Viktor and Hermione together. They both looked down at Hermione who seemed to be unconcious. Lucius muttered a spell which apparated Draco, Hermione, and Ron into the Malfoy Manor basement. "How did you apparate out of Hogwarts? There are no ways of doing it!" Ron yelled. "You foolish boy! Do you not know who I am? I am the Dark Lord's assistant as you could say." Lucius yelled.
Draco winced but kept staring at Hermione next to him unconcious. "Now be quiet! I will check on you tomorrow evening for the Dark Lord's presence." Lucius said while Viktor and him went up the stairs. They all went to sleep thinking of the terrible things to happen.
The Next Day (Morning)............ Harry's POV
I can't help thinking of those bloody girls! Ughhh! They are messing with my brain! I already have Voldemort messing with it I don't need these foolish girls! Even though I like them both. This is so confusing! Oh no! Here comes Cho! "Hello Harry!" Cho said sitting by me rubbing my arm. "Hello Cho, is Ginny up yet?" I asked.
She shook her head and said, " I need to tell you something can you lean closer? I don't want anybody to hear." She said looking back behind her smiling and leaned in. She then started snogging me! I pushed her away and I heard a gasp and a sob. "So you picked her? I see, well we are over Harry!" Ginny said picking up a piece of bread and ran out the door.
I followed Ginny into the empty classrooom and kneeled by her. "Ginny I do not choose her! I choose you! I want you to be mine! Please be! I also want you to come to the ball with me not her! Please do come! If not with me, please come though.
I can't live without your presence, I....erm.......I you." I said staring into her eyes. She smiled triumphately and kissed me full on the mouth, parted with me and said, "Harry I would love to go with you to the ball! I also love you too!" My heart seemed to stop for a minute but I smiled and took her hand and we walked out of the classroom.
While we were walking down the halls to our next class, Potions Ginny asked me something, "Harry did you get the letter about Voldemort being back?" Ginny asked. I nodded my head. "Well I was thinking that maybe the disappearance with Hermione, Ron, and Draco has to do something with it." Ginny said quickly.
I hadn't even thought about Ron not even being there neither Hermione. Oh no! "What? They're gone? For how long!?!" I asked her. "Since yesterday night." She said quickly. "Oh Ginny, don't worry about it! They are all heads and they are probably just getting a early start on robes for the ball this Saturday. I mean it's still only Tuesday." I said not worried as much now. She nodded her head in agreement. I hope everyone liked Chapter 13! Please PM me if you have any ideas for Chapter 14 because the more ideas I get from reviewers the faster the post is until it comes up! Review please! Thanks! ~Jess
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