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Old 05-28-2009, 09:09 PM   #90 (permalink)
JeshieRAWR's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isla Reeser
♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading my story! Here are some of the things I would like to know....

1. If you don't want me to send messages to you when there is a new post up on my story message me and tell me! I don't want to be rude or annoying! :/

2. When you review this time please tell me who you strongly ship. For example do you ship Draco/Hermione (D/Hr), Harry/Hermione (H/Hr), Ron/Hermione (R/Hr), Neville/Luna (N/L), Ron/Luna (R/L), Harry/Ginny (H/G), Draco/Pansy (D/P), Krum/Hermione (K/Hr) or another.

3. This chapter is all about Hermione/Ron/ & Draco, there will be some other characters in this chapter. Chapter 13 is dedicated for all Harry/Ginny/ & Cho since there will be none in Chapter 12 although in Chapter 13 there still will be Hermione/Ron/ & Draco parts in it! Not to worry!

Thanks! ~Jess

Chapter 12

I raced up the stairs as fast as I could to see who the new Head Boy was. When I stopped by the Head's portrait no one was there yet. So I decided to take a quick nap. After 5 minutes someone tapped my shoulder. "Miss Granger! Miss Granger, please wake up!" said Professor McGonagall. I woke up startled to see that the Head Boy still wasn't there. "Oh, hello Professor!" I said smiling. Then there was a flicker of red and blond hair. "Hello Professor!" Ron said. Draco just nodded. "Oh hello boys! Oh Miss Granger, I forgot to mention that there will be two head boys because the heads dormitory got changed and there was an extra room."She said. My mouth dropped at all of them. I closed my mouth and spoke,"Oh, okay. Ummm can you tell us what the password is Professor?"I asked. "The password is fearless."she said. Draco grunted and smirked. Ron just had a puzzled look on his face, he probably didn't know what it meant. "Now before you go in, before dinner I would like all of you to pick a theme for the ball, what to call it, what the dress atire is, and picking which prefects to do the decorations/food/and all sorts." Professor McGonagall said. I smiled and said,"Thank you Professor, we'll see you in the Great Hall."I said.

Professor McGonagall left and I was in a empty hallway with two boys I really didn't want to be with right now. "Fearless" I said to the picture which looked like the sky outside of the castle. Draco and Ron followed me in and my mouth dropped open, once again, to see the beautiful common room. The walls were red, green, yellow, and blue stripes. There were red and green couches and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It had a shimmering fireplace and it even had a bookshelf with all the books I haven't even read yet! "Yes!" I accidetally said. Ron and Draco both looked at me puzzled, I shook my head and said, " Never Mind." They both nodded and continued to look around. I moved around the common room to step into another room which was the kitchen. I opened the refridgerator to see tons of food and drinks inside of it. There even was a stove and a microwave like how us muggles use! I went up the stairs to find 4 doors. There was one that said Bathroom/Shower, another that said Hermione, another that said Ron, and another that said Draco. I went to look at the bathroom/shower first and it was amazing! The bathtub looked like an olympic size swimming pool while the shower was as big as the common room. Now that's pretty big. That's when I realized that there was only 1 bathroom/shower! We all have to share! Oh no! I stepped out of the bathroom/shower to go look into my room. I stepped inside and said, "Woah". There was a king sized bed in the middle of my room that had red and gold blankets, a vanity stand, a bathroom which only had a toilet. There was a little balcony with stairs that led up to the roof. I knew that this was going to be an awesome year!

I went back into the common room, grabbed a book off the shelf, and sat down on a couch. "So Hermione, will I see you there tonight?" asked Ron. "Oh, ummmm" "Hey we need to organize the ball." Draco said. We sat around the fire on the chairs. "Okay so I'm thinking we should have a talent show/masquerade ball. Then people can change their appearance and have masks on. It will help with House Unity. Just how Dumbledore wants it. Then at the stroke of midnight the spells will wear off on everybody and it will show their true appearance. Then with the Talent Show part people can sing/dance/etc. So what do you guys think?" I asked Ron and Draco. They had their mouths dropped. But Draco consumed himself and finally decided to speak," That's amazing Hermione! I think that will just work out great! So who are we going to have do the decorations and such?" Draco asked. Ron finally out of his daze decided to speak up, " Maybe we should give the decorations to Neville and Luna to do. I mean Neville is good at charms and such. Then Luna is well....just Luna!" Ron said. "I actually think that would be a great idea Ron! Well now lets go down to dinner so Professor McGonagall can know that we have figured it all out!" I said. They each nodded and followed me out of the portrait.

Ron and I went to the Gryffindor table while Draco went to the Slytherin table. Ron sat by me and asked, " Hermione, what's with Draco being nice to you? Is there a problem? It seems like it! I mean just look at him he looks like he's going to eat you or something." Ron said. "Oh we just decided that we will be on civil terms because we will have to spend the rest of the year together that's all." I said buttering some bread. "But he's a deatheater Hermione! Don't you remember what he called you for how many years?" he asked looking astonished. "Ron he's not a deatheater! If you would have been checking with the Order Draco is a part of it! He has no brand of Voldemort!" I said but almost yelled. He looked taken back but then Professor McGonagall decided to start the speech. "I would like to announce to everyone that due to some people being absent for next year we have new Heads! Due to House Unity we have 2 Gryffindors and 1 Slytherin. The 2 Head Boys are Ronald Weasley and Draco Malfoy!" She said. Everyone clapped even the Slytherin table but probably for Draco I bet. They smiled and stood up there waiting for me. "The Head Girl is Hermione Granger!" There was a blasting roar of clapping for me. I was so suprised I even blushed when I walked up there. Professor McGonagall gave me a nod to start.

"Hello everyone! Ron, Draco, and I are announcing the Masqeraude/Talent Show Ball held this coming Saturday night. We have decided that you will be able to go on Friday to Hogsmede under lots of supervision due to Voldemort being back. You will be able to get the masks/suits/dresses/charms/and things that you will need to perform if you would like. There will be a sign up sheet for the Talent Show part of the ball right here. The charms that you buy from Hogsmede will be ones that will change your appearance. At the strike of midnight the charms will wear off and it might suprise you who you might be dancing with. You must also have a fake name to go with your fake appearance." I said. "We would like to have Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood to stay behind to talk about the ball." Ron said. "You may all leave and proceed to your towers." Draco said.

Everyone left except for Neville and Luna. Hello Ron, Hermione,....Malfoy. For some reason I winced I guess I was used to Draco a lot more than Malfoy. Hmmm weird. "Yes we have all agreed that both of you will help set up the decorations for the ball. You may start any time." Ron said. They nodded and left. I went back into the common room. Draco went upstairs while Ron came and sat on the couch with me. "I'll meet you there in 10 minutes". Ron said. I smiled, nodded, and went back upstairs. After 3 minutes of getting ready I walked out of the portrait and started walking up the stairs into the Astronomy Tower. I opened the door to find rose petals all along the floor leading to Ron with a rose in his hand smiling. Uh oh I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

I hope you all like it! Now please remember what to post in your replies! Thanks! ~Jess
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