♥ Socelyn | #Jeness | S W A G | ShortPerson&TallPerson | Nade ♥ Chapter 2
"What is this about?" He asked. Shoot he knew what I was up to. But I tried to cover it up. "Nothing I just really fancy you." I tried to say.
"Right.. I've known you for about how many years I doubt that you fancy me so what's this about trying to have weaselbee jealous or something?"
He said confidently. Shoot he knew it. I guess I should tell him if I was going to use him.
"Alright, alright, I'm trying to make Ron jealous cause I really hate Lavender. But I want him to like me, and I guess you are good looking even though I dispise you, you would be the one who could make him really jealous. If you don't want to do this I'll try to find somebody else." I said trying not to feel like I just expressed my feelings to my own enemy.
"Hmmmmm, sure I'll be your boyfriend to make weaselbee jealous. But this is the only favor I will do for you Hermione. This is a once - in - a - lifetime thing." Draco said. "Thank you Draco, this helps me so much!" I gave him a big hug. He winced but wrapped his arms around me. It was very awkward though. I waved goodbye and said I would see him tomorrow.
I woke up the next morning just thinking about how I could make Ron the most jealous. I put my clothes on and went down into the common room. I see Cho and Harry snogging each other. How gross! "Get a room!" I said. They blushed but left hand in hand.
I heard a sob behind me. It was Ginny. "Ginny, why don't you tell Harry what Cho said to you?" I said. "Cause I bet he won't believe me!" she said still sobbing. "Then do you want me to tell him?" I said. Ginny nodded and followed me to the Great Hall.
"Hey Ginny, we need to stop by the Slytherin house for a second." She nodded and followed me. I knocked on the entrance and Pansy Parkinson answered. "What do you want mudblood?" She said angrily. I ignored her and continued. "I would like to speak to Draco." She had a disgusted look on her face but let me and Ginny in and told us to take a seat.
It was me and Ginny's first time into the Slytherin Common Room. Ginny just stared at me curiously."What" I asked. "Why do you want to talk to Draco?" she asked with a weird look in her eyes. "You'll find out sooner or later" I said. In walked Draco. He was smiling.
"What do you want Hermione?" he said. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmede tomorrow with me so Ron could be even more jealous. Oh and I was wondering if you wanted to come down to the Great Hall to have some breakfast?" I tried to say quickly. He nodded and followed us.
Ginny finally understood and walked away from me and Draco when she saw Ron and Lavender coming. Draco took my hand and kissed me full on the lips. He was a very good kisser so I went on with it. We broke apart. Ron and Lavender stood in their tracks staring at us. We continued walking with our hands held down into the Great Hall. Did you guys like it? I hope it was good! Please Read and Review! Oh and I'm not going to post the next chapter until I see at least 5 posts. Sorry I just want some readers reviewing on this. Thanks! ~Jess |