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Old 04-17-2009, 02:09 PM
Con_Stripes Con_Stripes is offline
Default History of Magic Rules (READ THIS FIRST!)

General Rules

1) Without exception; all SS board rules apply.

2) Know the difference between OOC (out of character) and IC (in character) and act accordingly. If you do not know the difference, please PM a prefect or staff member and ask them to explain it to you. Posting in my class indicates that you know what these terms mean.

3) Do not post your character as coming into the class late. I will likely take points and its really not worth the risk. Likewise; do not post your character leaving class early. All you need to do is pretend that you were there the entire time.

4) Respect other students and respect any professors that may be present.

5) Do not copy/paste answers unless you are specifically asked to quote something, this applies to homework submissions too, you will not recieve points for providing copy/paste or 'textbook' answers in class and IC Truebridge will remark on the fact that whatever it is you post is from the textbook. Please avoid editing your posts, and if you do, please state the reason for the edit. If you do not have a reference or cannot find one for any of the subjects we cover during the term, you can still earn points by contibuting opinions and adding to the discussions. Canon information is appreciated, but where no canon information exists; creativity is encouraged.

6) No chatting in class; this goes for both OOC and IC. I do not want to see OOC comments at all in my class. Always use the PM system or make oyur witty comments in the school chat. I may post an OOC comment here and there to clarify instructions or to let you guys know if I'm going offline. IC chatting will be dealt with precisely as it would if you were having a gossip session in a real classroom.

7) Read and familiarise yourself with the homework submission rules.

8) Always RP your character raising their hand before answering and do so in the same post. If you don't, your answer might be ignored or you will lose points for speaking out of turn.

9) Always knock before having your character enter Truebridge's office.

10) Have fun and junk.

Homework Rules

1) All Homework must include the following information:
Member Number
Character name and year

2) Homework will be due either one or two weeks after the time I post it on this board. (I will give a 24 hour grace period after the due date, where late submissions will still be able to earn points but lose marks for lateness)

3) Cheating will result in point loss, no exceptions.

4) Please list all resources you used at the bottom of your homework.

5) Homework should be submitted by PM to me, NicoT and correctly labelled with the assignment name.

6) Submitting homework indicates you have read and understood these rules.

Feel free to PM me with any questions about the homework.

  • All Homework will be posted on the noticeboard along with the amount of time you have to submit that assignment. Anything without a due date must be submitted by the end of term

  • I'm always happy to answer any questions OOC just as Professor Truebridge is happy to answer questions IC
  • I won't always post in class if you have earned points for your answer but I am keeping track of points.
  • While there will be points awarded for correctly answering a question; most of the points will be given based on active roleplay participation.
  • Not all the points that you earn will be credited to you individually. Points for answering questions will go to your house as a whole. Any points you recieve personally will be either for class participation, homework submission or both.
  • Homework will now include a letter grade.