Join Date: Aug 2006
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| Remmy's part is written by Dani, and Rosa is written by me Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad  Thanks to Khat for this amazing banner <3
This Ficlet has more than one part, it's mainly about two characters Remmington McClane and Rosaline Foxx that Dani and I have RP'd and decided to take it further and make them a little itty bitty fanfic here. The year is somewere in the present, maybe a year or two ahead (2068/2069). Enjoy! Sunlight slowly entered a dark and dingy room in a small apartment. The room was scattered with clothes and dusty piles boxes. A bed sat in the middle of the all the mess. In that bed laid a man seemingly sleeping from a distance. However if you looked closer it was obvious he wasn't. His normally brown eyes were bloodshot red, and there were recent scratches all of his face. His short brown hair was also all over the place. Lying deadly still Remmington McClane did nothing but stare up at the ceiling. As a familiar ringing sound erupted in his ear he reached over and turned off the alarm clock.
5:30. It rang at 5:30 every single day. It was only a matter of time before he heard another familar sound. Sighing as he heard a knock on his door Remmy didn't move, he wasn't getting up today. There was no point. As his door opened and his lights were turned on a man with dirty blonde hair and green eyes entered. "Oye! Up an' attem McClane ya bludger." Gaffer Fletcher called with a thick aussie accent as he entered the room. "Not getting up Fletcher." Remington muttered turned to bury his head in the pillow as Gaffer turned the lights on. He was in no mood for this. Not today. Not ever. Not after what had happened. He had wanted to give up a long time ago, Gaffer was probably the only person that encouraged him not to.
"Lookie here cobber getchur fat butt outta that bed and let's go to work. I know last night you had a rough night but-" Gaffer but Remmy started cut him off. "Fletcher shut up." "-An I kno that girl messed you up but-" Before Gaffer could even stay anything else Remmy jumped out of his bed and began pushing the other man out of his room. The 28 year old didn't care. He had, had enough. He didn't need to be treated like a child. He didn't need to have someone telling him to get his butt out of bed for work. What he needed was his family. But that was all gone now. So there was no point. For a month he tried following Gaffer acting like everything was alright but it wasn't. He wasn't. As soon as Gaffer was out of his room Remmy grabbed his wand and muttered a spell that locked the door.
Falling back on his bed tears escaped his eyes. He didn't need any of this. What he needed was his Rosa and his Melody back. But that wasn't gonna happen. They weren't his anymore. They never were... Rosa had never loved him. Melody had never been his daughter. It was all a lie. A joke. He wished every single day that it hadn't been. But it was. And that hurt him more than anything else. Sucking on the inside of her cheeks Rosaline stood off to the side, taking a moment to calm her irritation rather than going on impulse to snap at the fourth year that had rudely almost knocked her over by shoving through people, her being one of them.
That would be a sight: the cheerful, bubbly redhead yelling at another student on the train. It would be the top rumour before they arrived at the station. Not what I need right now She thought. Eyes scanning over the many heads, hope shone obvious to anyone with eyes. It was kind of sad that not one of her 'friends' could see the hurt she felt, the suffering visible right underneath the surface. Only Treyton, but he was her truest friend. The only one she had anymore that she could confidently say wouldn't want to change anything about her.
Shaking her head to clear the voice, she knew she couldn't worry about that now. Walking towards the back of the moving train, she tried ignoring the the nauseous feeling growing strong in her stomach. With her head bowed, she tightened her arms against the coat keeping her thin frame warm from the cold. Easy to guess, they were still pretty far north in Europe.
Only seconds before she was going to look up in hope of finding a quiet compartment near, the redhead was knocked down.
With her patience running short, she bit her tongue to stop from shouting angrily. It wasn't the fault of innocent people she was in such a bitter mood. That was something she disliked most - when people rudely took their frusterations out on others.
Rising to her feet, eyes met his equally brown orbs. A look of surprise washing over her pale, lightly freckled face. He was probably the last person she expected to be standing infront of her, apologizing for smacking into her by accident. He was also the person she was longing to see. "Why?" The question came out soft, but abrupt. Out of the blue, it was not. It also had nothing to do with her sitting in the train corridor moments before. There was no need for her to elaborate, because he would know exactily what she meant.
His expression was blank, nothing changed. His mouth opened, not surprisingly his tone was emotionless as he spoke. "Why do you care?" was his response, and with that he walked away.
As the train shook, waking her up, a wave of nausea crashed against her insides. Rosaline ignored the urge to be sick, to the best of her ability. It wasn't easy, seeing how when she looked up there was the hooded figure, Kenji, another of Elliot's sidekicks. "You smell awful" was what Rosa wanted to say amongst several other things, but refrained.
Pulling the little seven year old girl laying peacefully across her lap even closer to her, Rosa glared at the asian man that had slipped his wand out upon noticing she was awake. Probably thinking she was going to put up more of a fight, no doubt. "Put that wand away you moron, this train is full of muggles." She grown woman hissed coldy.
Part 1, of many to come
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |