Chapter Two: The Pythagorean Number System Cheesy Mac Chapter Two: The Pythagorean Number System
There are currently two major branches/methods of practicing Arithmancy in existence – the Pythagorean (Agrippan) Method and the Chaldean Method. The major distinction between these systems is the presence of the number 9. While the Pythagorean System uses the number 9 to represent letters, the Chaldean System excludes this number completely. We will be working with the Pythagorean Method ONLY.
In the Pythagorean Number System, the letters A-Z are assigned numerical values 1-9 as follows: 1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9 A---B---C---D---E---F---G---H----I J---K---L---M---N---O---P---Q---R S---T---U---V---W---X---Y---Z
The numbers 1 through 9 have definite, unique, symbolic meanings that correspond to the evolution of a person’s life:
1. Beginning
2. Connecting
3. Creating
4. Building
5. Changing
6. Nurturing
7. Reevaluating
8. Expanding
9. Completing
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