Join Date: Aug 2006
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| Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad  **Banner Made By Suzy** This Ficlet is about my currently Hogwarts RPG character, Savannah Mae. It takes place in the summer of 2061. Sun shining as bright as ever high in the sky, no clouds were easily found. Sitting in the shade of a large tree, a small eleven year old girl stared ahead, eyes fixed on the Diricawl habitat, where the creatures Muggles knew to be 'dodo birds' roamed their open grassy field. By the looks of it, enjoying the peaceful summer day. The other animals here at the Magical Creatures Zoo and Aquarium were probably just as relaxed and happy, there was no visitor's today. Not that they minded too much, or atleast it didn't seem like it. They didn't ever look depressed, not like other zoo's where you could see it by looking in the eyes of the animals that they felt imprisoned. Her Grandmother and the rest of the staff made it the number one priority to make each and every one of the magnificent creatures brought in feel at home and well. The second priority was making the place feel welcoming to those who came.
The tree branch above, which was much taller than her, gave a jerk; the leaves rustling. A cool, gentle breeze swept through, hitting her face. Little Savannah Mae was not expecting someone to jump from the tree, let alone be in it. Her brother, three months short of being three years older landed on his feet, hands out infront of him in the grass.
Savannah let out an alarmed squeak, practically jumping straight out of her skin, she scowled at his laughter. "You scared me."
Conner grinned, rubbing his hands together to get the dirt off. "Sorry Ducky" He apologized, offering her a hand as he stood straight. The other making a mess of his short, dark curls; intending to get any stray twigs and or leaves from his hair. He didn't say he hadn't meant to scare her, which was good. It would have been a lie if he had; Conner knew perfectly well how easily she was startled.
Pushing the dark brown strands from infront of her eyes, Savannah took his hand to get up from the ground. Without letting go of the others hand, the two were silent on the their walk to the main office. Grandma Angelina, who looked not a day older than sixty, sat at the desk with their younger sister in her lap. Madison's ice blue eyes were closed till we came inside the cozy room.
"Hello Grandma Angelina, Madi, Belisama, Kelly and Raymond." Conner greeted at once; Savannah, releasing Conner's hand, went to hug each of the three workers in turn.
The Magical Creatures Zoo and Aquarium was a family business, sort of anyways. Angelina had gone to this zoo ever since she was a young child, everytime she came to visit her great aunt's house. At the age of twelve she had started helping the staff by volunteering to assist in whatever she could, the owner had grown extremely fond of her by that point. When she was fifteen Angelina knew exactily what she wanted to do with her life, and when she was eighteen and just out of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry she had come to this exact place. They had trained her along side a dear friend from school. Within the next couple of years the owner had passed on; The wizard had lived a very long, very wonderful life. Old age had gotten him, like it did everyone at one point. In his will, he had given Angelina the zoo. Along with a heartfelt letter, which now hung in a frame on the wall over the couch in her office.
Since then, Angie had made it her life goal to make the zoo everything Silas Li, the former owner for over seventy years or more before her(which then went even further back into his family tree), ever wanted it to be. The workers knew most of Angelina's family, in some way shape or form. They had come to be like an extended family.
"Have you picked a name for our new Hippogriff friend yet, Anna?" Kelly asked. With her long, silky raven hair and incredibly pale complexion part of Savannah always wondered if it were possible for her to be a vampire. Savannah wouldn't think of her any differently, if it were true.
"I have. Can we name her Truyand?" The young girl asked, hopeful ocean blue eyes moving from Kelly, to Belisama with her clipboard and back again.
"Of course, whatever you want to name her." Belisama scribbled something on her clipboard, probably writing the new arrivals name down.
"It's an interesting name, did you come up with it?" Kelly asked, while Raymond and Angelina (with Madi still sitting on her) discussed something over a pile of papers; their tone's hushed.
Savannah gave a small, suddenly bashful nod. She had been hoping this question wouldn't come up. "I combined three words, sort of" She explained, her cheeks coloring with warmth. "The T-R-U from the word 'true'; Y-A from 'loyal'; N-D from 'friend'."
"That's really neat, very nice name Vanna-Banna" Belisama praised, encouragingly. She then turned to face Angelina, who looked up to meet her gaze at the same moment. "I'm going to go check up on our soon-to-be mama Sphinx."
Angelina nodded once. "Tell Sapphire hello for me; I'll be by in just a little bit to see how things are going. If there's an emergency send up red sparks, everyone knows to head straight there."
"Will do. See you soon guys. Have fun kids," She patted Conner's shoulder gently on her way out.
"Thank you, Lisa." Angelina called after her.
Raymond was, not surprisingly, next to announce he was leaving; Kelly was wrapped up in papers layed out on the desk, filling in blanks with her tiny, cursive hand-writing. "I outta go too," Raymond said, moving around from the side of the desk towards the door.
Conner, who had been leaning quietly against the wall the entire time, looked up to the blonde haired man. Eyebrow raised, he asked "Where ya going Ray man?"
"Just got those vamp. calves here. We're not sure what they eat, I gotta do some experimenting."
"Can we come?" Conner asked, an eager edge to his voice. The boy pushed off from the wall, offering a hand for Savannah.
Instead of responding, Raymond looked to Angelina, as if waiting for an answer himself. After the moment of silence that followed, Ray grew impatient with excitement to the idea "Pleeeease Angie, pleeease?" the grown man was in his twenties, but that wasn't about to stop him from begging to get what he wanted. "I promise to keep an eye on 'em, no ones anymore likely to get bit than I am."
Angelina chuckled. A soft murmur of "That's suppose to be reassuring?" escaping under her breath. Eying the young faces, Angie gestured towards the door. "Yes, go on, be good."
Conner pumped a fist into the air, a triumphant "YESSSSSSS!" hissed. Savannah walked away from her brother's side, going to Madison with an arm outstretched. "Wanna come Madi?" The nine year old shook her head, pale blonde locks swishing around her face were ignored as the child sleepily curled up on the desk chair her Grandma had left her on.
It didn't take long for them to walk to enclosed field the calves were placed in for the time being, till they could move them to an environment more natural for them. A place they could get comfortable in, and consider home.
"What are 'Vamp. Calves'?" Savannah asked, curiousity written all over her face as Raymond led them through a gate, closing it tight behind them.
"Vampire baby cows." Conner replied as soon as the words left Savannah's mouth, in a way that meant the same thing Raymond had said but in a way she would understand without further questions. His navy blue orbs searching the area, wanting to see the animals.
"You said you weren't sure what they'll eat?" Savannah asked, glancing up at the man. Something she had noticed ages ago, a random thought - Raymond could go Hawaii, stand in the middle of a group of surfers and not look any different than them. "Did you try pouring some of the icky fish blood water from the those buckets onto some grain and hay? Don't cows eat that?"
Clearly, no one had thought of this yet. Ray sounded surprised, "We'll try that. Thanks Vannah."
Pulling her hand from Conner's, Savannah was quick to move into the middle, tripping over either her foot or the grass while she went between her big brother and Raymond. Her little hand slipping back into Conner's other hand, the young girl grabbed one one of Raymond's hands with her right. She felt more comfortable being the smallest inbetween the two, rather than on one of their sides. Not that she was afraid of any creatures, encluding the vampie calves. Not even close.
Savannah's eyes stayed on the ground infront of her as they continued walking. Looking up as she felt a nudge from her left, Savannah gasped. Within ten feet of them was another worker, Quillem, and the calves. "They're.." She murmured and stopped short, glancing swiftly to her right noticing Ray going forward still; saying something to Quil she hadn't quite caught.
"What's that?" Conner asked, grinning when Savannah's lighter blue eyes met his dark ones. A look of amusement, to her obvious awe. The creatures seemed to put her in a little daze. She bared noticed Conner waving a hand infront of her face.
"They are beautiful." Savannah finished what she had been trying to say in the beginning. Being tugged closer, she could easily hear bits and parts of the two mens conversation. Something about the three calves being found in the strangest place; Their bite not being venomous (Quillem knew it for a fact, his bandaged hand was proof enough); What they could try feeding them that they hadn't already thought of.
"Woah, don't do that" Raymond protested, seeing the two kids approach the calves. The red haired man waved his hand dismissingly, "They're fine Ray, the calves are harmless. Nothing a bandaid can't fix; Go ahead Savs" Quil encouraged. He could tell she wanted to be up close to it.
Savannah's face lit up with excitement upon getting the approval. She was one step away from being side to side with one of the calves. They were goregous, no other words came to mind. The normal everyday cows were white and black or white and brown or the simple solid brown. The calf infront of her however, had the black blotches with a silver coat. There was other, smaller differences but nothing more noticeable.
Slowly, She reached out a hand to give the calf a gentle stroke. The calf didn't move; his or her eyes fixed on Savannah, it was calm. Her fingertips barely touched the silverness, and then a hand was set on top of hers pulling it back. "Conner!" She complained, her voice dropping abruptly at his 'SHH'ing.
"It'll bite you," He said to answer the 'are you crazy?' look. Conner had his arms wrapped around hers, nonchalantly keeping a foot between her and the creature. Knowing Savannah, if he weren't she'd proceed to pet the calf anyways. "It might be as innocent, but it's not as harmless as you think" He added in her ear. Reading her feelings and connecting similar enough thoughts was too easy when it came to Vannah, for him. He didn't need to be empathic for that.
"It wouldn't be any worse than a dogs bite." Savannah muttered with a sigh of defeat, knowing she wouldn't get her way on this. Conner usually was right on these things. It wasn't like she was trying to be stubborn, she really wanted to pet it. "Whose to say it would try biting me in the first place?"
It was Conner's turn to sigh. Taking several steps backwards, he pulled Vannah along till they were far enough from the calves. "Hey Ray man, we're going to go back" He said with a jerk of his head in the direction they came.
"So are you excited to be starting school in september?" Conner asked, watching his sister from the corner of his eye. For the third time in the past five minutes she tripped, and it there wasn't any shoelaces to blame. Momentarily ignoring the question Savannah stood, brushing off her hands on her knees. "Here twinkle toes, get on my back" Conner chuckled, bending down to let her climb on like suggested.
Hesitating for a moment, Savannah shrugged and jumped onto his back, linking her hands around his neck. "Yes. I am. I'll get to go to durmstrang with you," Her response was cheerful. Though she couldn't see it, Conner's face fell.
"No your not. What happened to Hogwarts, or even Beauxbatons? Emmylyne and Regina are there, so is Nikolas and Madison will be soon."
Savannah's smile faded away.
"Don't be upset Ducky" Conner murmured, feeling the hurt she ached with from his words. A total misunderstanding.
Savannah didn't say anything understandable, just a muffled noise. "Can I explain, or are you going to ignore me?" He asked in the same calm, gentle tone.
When she said nothing, he knew to take it as she was willing to listen. "I don't want you to go to Durmstrang. It's not a place for you, not my baby sister."
"You don't want me there?" She repeated, the hurt he could sense became visible in her voice.
"It's not a place for my baby sister." Conner said once again, bouncing her lightly to keep her from slipping.
Laying her head against his shoulder, Savannah let go with one hand to brush the stray strands from her face. "You'll be there, but it's not a place for me." She tried making sense of that, but none came. If she went to Hogwarts she would be alone. No family. Beauxbatons wasn't an option, she didn't want to go there. She wanted to go to Durmstrang, with her big brother.
"Do you see me as a fragile little baby?" She asked, not waiting for him to say something back. "I can take care of myself. I'm a big girl Con."
How she could have ever gotten that impression was beyond him. Conner shook his head, "I know you are. That's why I think it's better you go to Hogwarts; You wanted to go there before I started school, just because I'll be in a different school shouldn't change your decision."
"I want to be with you though. Your my very best friend Con. Why don't you want to come to your school?" Savannah asked, heartbrokenly.
She wasn't going to understand as easily as he wished she would. Changing paths, Conner set Vannah down into the grass and pulled her infront of him. "It's not that I don't want you around Ducky, you should know that. But Durmstrang is not the school for you. The Professors can be pretty harsh, and they teach the dark arts so we know how better to protect ourselves from them instead of just knowing the theory; You wouldn't like it. You don't need me around all the time" Conner tugged gently at her hands he held, trying to get her to look up at him again. "I want you to go to Hogwarts Savina." He said seriously, not just persuading her to change her mind.
A few minutes passed, feeling like centuries to the soon-to-be second year, almost thirteen year old boy.
Her face was burning red, ocean blue eyes reluctant to be met. "I'm scared." She admitted.
Conner was confused, which very rarely happened when it came to knowing Savannah. "Your scared. Of what?"
"If I go to Hogwarts I'll be by myself till the following year if Sammy comes. And..and mum and dad have some many expectations, I don't want to disappoint them-" She paused, her voice cracking with emotion.
Conner then wrapped his arms around her firmly. "You don't worry about our parents. It's really not that bad; you're smart, you'll keep your grades up and that's all they really care about. You won't be alone either, you will make friends. Loads of them. Savina, enjoy school; enjoy life. You'll love it, and you won't always want your big bro watching over you."
Savannah nodded her head faintly. He might be right, about their parents and making friends. Not about everything, "Your wrong" She mumbled, snuggling in her brothers arms. Her voice muffled from hiding her face, "I will always want you to watch over me."
"Well that's good. Because no matter how far or close apart we are, I'll always be watching over you." Conner promised, resting his head against hers.
It was true, he was a tad over protective of her. It was something that started since the day she came home from the hospital, something he was learning to work on. Everyone had to learn to get back up when they fell, and take chances; He wasn't coddling her, he was merely being there whenever she picked herself back up and wanted someone to comfort and assure her. He wouldn't always be in arms reach, but that didn't mean he couldn't or wouldn't watch over her. Conner never broke a promise, and this was no exception.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |