I got it up on the day I said I would!!! If anyone is left out there to read it, here it is!!!
Chapter 8
A couple of days after their conversation, Harry was finally on speaking terms with Raven. He came to her and apologized for his behavior, and knew that she was only trying to give him another opinion to view about Black. He admitted that he was having a hard time wrapping his head around the idea of Black being innocent, but also swore that her secret was safe. Harry promised her that he wouldn’t tell anyone that she was Black’s niece until she was ready for it to be known.
Unfortunately, since her incident with Harry, Raven wasn’t very social with anyone, including George. Between the holidays and missing her father, and feeling unnerved because of all of the secrets she was keeping from everyone, she needed to find solace somewhere. Raven found herself sitting on a rock by the lake during those moments of needed solitude. Listening to the wind blowing through the trees and the water splashing on the rocks, relaxed her enough to give her some kind of comfort. She made herself realize that holding her secrets back, at least for now, was a good thing for everyone. And while she dwelled on memories of her father, she stopped realizing how much she missed him because he was never gone from her. Her memories were strong and his words to her were always running through her mind. As long as she had those, he was always around.
On Christmas Eve, Raven went up to the common room and found Fred and George hanging out in a corner talking quietly. As she walked up to them, Fred gave George a nudge. George looked at her and gave her a faint smile. She returned the smile and kneeled down next to him.
“Hey guys,” she said faintly. They returned hellos and the twins gave each other looks as the situation was incredibly awkward. Raven had not said anything to George in several days, not because she didn’t want to. After her long hours at the lake everyday, she came to the conclusion that George was an amazing, understanding person and when it comes time for the secrets to come out, he will understand her reasoning for keeping them silent. “Fred, do you mind if I borrow George for a minute or two?”
“Sure, but bring him back,” Fred said jokingly.
“If you insist,” she said smiling.
George stood up and held out his hand to help Raven stand. They walked over to the other side of the common room and looked around to see many people in the room staring at them, particularly Fred, Ron, Hermione and Harry.
“Let’s take a walk, shall we?” she asked.
“Where are we going? It’s nearly dinner,” he asked. "With the Dementors on guard, it's too late to leave the castle.”
“Like that has stopped you before,” she said with a little laugh. “Besides, I need to go to Snape’s office. Will you walk me there?”
“Why there?” he asked with a questionable look.
“I need to talk to Snape for a moment,” she said. “Come on!” she said grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the portrait hole.
The two of them exited the common room and started walking towards Professor Snape’s office. They barely left the common room before George asked again why they were going to see the potion master.
“I told you already,” she said. “Besides I wanted to speak to you alone. Do you mind?”
“Of course I don’t mind. What did you need to speak to me about?” he asked.
“I just wanted to apologize for my behavior the last several days. It has had nothing to do with you, I promise,” she said.
“I was beginning to think I did something,” George said. “Is it anything you want to talk about?”
“In due time, cutie,” she said. “Just know that I am sorry for being distant the past few days. The holidays are hard this year and I’m still a little upset about that whole incident with Draco last weekend.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I figured you were having a hard time, this being the first Christmas without your father.”
“We had some great times this time of year,” she said. “But I’m ready for some new memories.” The two smiled and continued walking towards Snape’s office. Raven could sense that George was troubled by something. She also got the strong feeling that he was confused. “George? Want to tell me what’s on your mind?”
“I forget that you can tell that.” George seemed disappointed in himself that he let whatever feelings he had about something enter his mind. He looked back at Raven and took a deep breath. “Why did Draco kiss you?"
Raven shook her head. She had a feeling this question was lingering somewhere. But it was one of the many questions she wasn‘t ready to answer. "That is such a long story. It’s one I really don't want to get into now.”
“Why do you let him get to you? We tend to ignore him here. He‘s really only full of hot air."
"Could you have ignored that? Besides he's a prat and unfortunately he knows things about me and my family. He's just trying to torture me," she said. The subject was about to go too far and Raven wanted to end it now before another word was spoken. "Oh! Before I forget, during my little pity party this last week, it slipped my mind to get anyone Christmas presents. So, I didn't get you anything for Christmas. I hope you don't mind. But I will get something for you. I promise."
George stopped. "I don't mind. Besides, the one thing I want for Christmas is right in front of me," he said grabbing her hands.
"Oh, you like my shirt?" she asked looking down at the blue and black shirt she was wearing. "It was the last thing I bought in America before I came back over here. You can have it, but it may be a little too small for you," she said jokingly with a wink and huge grin. Raven knew what he was talking about but wanted to play around for a bit.
George smiled and rolled his eyes. After he shook his head, she laughed and the two continued walking.
"I didn't know you were such a romantic, Mr. Weasley," she said. "Where did that come from?"
"I don't know. Besides, it's gone. It‘s a spell I can only use once a year and it‘s been spent," he said joking back to her. "I used it all up."
"Really?" she said playing along. "Well, what a relief! I don‘t know if I could handle an exciting, romantic relationship. I, for one, am all about the boring and mundane."
“I thought I was supposed to be the funny one in this relationship,” he said stopping and giving Raven a puzzled look. "And I'm sure as boring as you are, I bet you aren't ticklish. People who are ticklish aren't boring and mundane."
"Me? Ticklish? Absolutely not!" she said nervously, taking faint steps backwards. Truth was she was horribly ticklish and wanted to end this before George got any ideas. Suddenly, she took off running.
A chase was on through the castle. George followed, dodging her quick u-turns and weaving in and out of statues. After a bit, she found herself getting tired and slowing down. It was enough for George to catch up with her. Once he caught up to her, he began to tickle her. She was screaming and laughing at the same time. She was trying so hard to get away but her laughter was too overwhelming.
Raven slipped out of George's grasp for a split second only to have him grab her hand and whip her around so that they were quite close to each other. Instead of laughing hysterically like they were before, they now had a nervous type of laugh that seemed to slow down with every breath they took. Both of them gazed into each other's eyes and Raven knew that this would be the moment. They were interrupted once before and she hoped it wouldn't happen again. As they were getting closer, Raven noticed George's face go pink and she felt her all of her blood rush to her face, which told her she was blushing too. Before any other thought came to her mind, they were locked in a kiss. A tremendous feeling came over Raven that she could not explain. Her body went numb but she was able to feel his arms around her and his lips touching hers. All of the magic that she was surrounded by everyday, put together, could not match up to the magic that she was feeling right now.
When they pulled away, both were speechless and still in a happy state of shock. Smiles came to their faces and it was a smile that they both knew would be a hard one to take away.
"I thought you said you had no romance left?" Raven asked softly.
"I lied," he responded in a daze.
For a moment they seemed to have no clue where they were.
"I'm appalled," she said jokingly. “Now it seems you’re a liar.”
George got down on one knee. "Whatever can I do to make it up to you?"
Raven pulled him up. "I think you made up for it just fine.”
The pair finally made it to Snape's office and Raven stopped just outside the door.
"Would you like to wait? This will only take a second," she said.
George nodded and Raven went up to the door and knocked. When she heard the grumble of her uncle's voice she walked in. Snape was at his desk, buried in parchment. He never looked to see who came into his office. Using that to her advantage, she tip-toed up to Snape's desk.
"BOO!" she yelled. Snape actually jumped. She was shocked that he was startled. "I want to talk to you."
"Is it important?" he snapped. “I am extremely busy."
"Look, I am having the most spectacular evening since arriving in this country. I really don’t care if you’re busy. So from niece to uncle...shut up!" she said, back with her usual confidence and still brimming with excitement from her kiss with George.
Snape's eyes were wide open and he looked completely dumbfounded. He was just about to speak but Raven beat him to it.
"I’ve been doing some thinking the last few days. I need you to help me with Sirius.“
Snape gave her an ill expression. “Absolutely not! The man is a murderer. And when he’s caught…oh, when he’s caught…I want to be there when the Dementors suck out what’s left of his soul.”
“Okay, have you lost it?” she asked wonderingly. “No, listen! I really don’t think Sirius did the things that he’s accused of. And if he’s caught, I want you to help me get the charges dropped.”
“First, why would I want to free Sirius Black from possible death and second, what would be the point? He’s guilty. We all know it?”
“Drop your grudge! Goodness! You are worse than the first years with your immaturity. Really, get a grip!” Raven rolled her eyes and sat on his desk. Snape became increasingly perturbed. “I mean, how old are you? Like a hundred? Isn’t it time to just let it go?”
Snape shifted around in his seat.
“You were one of Lord Hypocrite’s top Death Munchers, you would have known if Sirius was working with him.”
“The Dark Lord had many agents. How was I to know them all?”
“Because you would have known if one of your archenemies was working for your boss.”
Snape thought for a moment. “No, I can’t help you. And I’m not helping him.”
“You’re pathetic.” Raven stood up and walked toward the door. “You know, dad would have helped him.”
“You’re father was a different man when he left here. If he had stayed, he wouldn’t have.”
“Be that as it may. My dad would have helped free an innocent man. And the man that he spoke of in you, the other reformed Snape, would have also.” Raven turned back to face her uncle. “If it was anyone else…right?”
Snape never flinched. He never spoke. He never blinked.
“Explain your childhood grudge to me one day. Explain to me how an innocent man’s death is the perfect end to your sad little story. Then explain to me how that’s relevant.”
Raven shook her head then turned back toward the door. “Happy Christmas, Uncle Snape.“ She opened the door and left.
"That didn't take long," George said. "Is everything okay?"
"It‘s great! Just needed to wish my uncle a happy holiday," she said looking at George. “Come on, I’m starving. Dinner will be starting soon and we have to get to the food before Ron does.”
The couple headed to dinner where everyone was already seated. It seemed the day was wonderful for everyone. They were all smiling and having a ball. Even Harry was joining in with jokes and occasional food tossing between Ron and Fred. Raven couldn't be happier that the day turned out so well. She would just rather go to bed after dinner so nothing bad could happen. But after a little thought, she figured that anything bad couldn't ruin the day at all. As a matter of fact, anything bad would just be funny.
Chapter 9