Join Date: Aug 2006
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| Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad June 14th, 2067
6:39AM Dear Diary,
So.. I haven't written in a long time, have I? I've been busy, and really to be honest writing in you was the last thing I cared about. Sounds sad, right? It is. You remember me telling you about the whole situation at school, right? With Marietta, Carina and Lacey and Olivia and others. Myself, Monique and Julian and others.
Notice Olivia's name up there? In the wrong part? No. Not wrong. You read right. And if you've been paying attention you'll know Julian's name shouldn't be involved at all, but it is.
This is what happened. We were at school, it was my and Julian's tenth birthday which landed on a monday, as usual when it was recess we were all doing our seperate things. Monique and I were talking, and playing on the jungle gym type thing- Wait, I should probably tell you first; Olivia, Monique and I haven't been talking. Mo and I have, but neither of us to Olivia. Not much, atleast. She's trying to be friends with Gozzi's group, and ours. It doesn't work that way. Gozzi and her group are our worst enemies, they're evil little girls!
So we made her choose. She can't hang out with both sides. It's either good or evil. Not both.
Now back to the story, Gozzi and the Cini's came bugging us about something. Just making their stupid snide remarks, which we ignored by some miracle. Momo's better at it than me, I always want to fight back. But I haven't.
Well they crossed a HUGE line. An unforgiveable line. A line you can't come back from, EVER. It's ALL their fault. I HATE them, so much. I want them expelled, I want a new teacher, I want justice! I'm NOT going back to that wretched school! - And I haven't been back since that day, so don't think 'Oh she's just saying that' because you have NO idea. Those little brats messed with the WRONG girl.
You. Do. NOT. Mess. With. A. MAE.
Oh right, I didn't tell you the line they crossed. Moniquie and I were climbing these bars, it wasn't monkey bars though. I don't know what they call it, but you can hang from it at the top. It's like a square of metal bars that you climb? I don't know what it's called! Gah! That doesn't even matter! What does, is Mo and I were sitting on the very top.
In our school there's field for football (american soccor) and stuff, and your not suppose to play outside of that field! They were playing with the stupid ball RIGHT by us. By the way, those wannabe barbie dolls SUCK at soccor. Olivia joined them, which made me even madder. Momo kept telling me to focus on her and ignore them. I did, because.. Momo is my best friend. One of them, but the only one I ever talk to at school.
I trailed off again. So they were 'playing' with the ball by us. And STUPID Carina kicked it as hard as her twig-sized leg could to Marietta who was closes to us. As soon as it reached her, Marietta 'accidentally' turned around and kicked it in our direction. Somehow, I still have no clue how, she's stronger and had a better kick. It flew into the air. And it hit Monique in the head. Hard.
Gah, I'm going to get you wet if I keep crying..
Monique fell. It happened so quickly, she never had a chance to move when the ball came at her. I tried to grab her when she started to fall, but it happened too fast. I didn't have time, I almost had her hand but I lost it. She hit her head again on a bar when she fell. I was screaming for help, but at the same time I was screaming at those demon girls. If Monique hadn't needed me I would have gone at them, but I couldn't leave her.
Abunch of kids came running, some went to get help just as soon. Julian came, and he did something I've seen maybe once before - He started crying. The tears were silent, but they were streaming down his pale face when he saw me sitting by Mo on the ground. Help came in maybe a minute, everything was very fast but in that situation it felt so extremely slow. Slow motion, you know? They couldn't help her, and I couldn't help her, as quickly as I wanted to.
Mrs. Aurelia, who is the lady that sits behind the desk in the school lobby sort of place, where you register for school and she keeps records of everything and stuffs called our parents - Julian and mine, and Momo's. Ms. Hornet tried stopping Juls and I from going with the ambulance, but Mrs. Aurelia and Mrs. Davis (the school nurse) shut her up and let us go.
Mum and dad, and Mo's mum and step-dad and dad and step-mum, and brother Carter and sister Ariel (which both share the same parents as her) met us at the hospital, and so did Legend. Legend is really close to Carter.
Monique Zina Lombardi-Russo, my muggle best friend, has been in the hospital since February 14th and it's now June 14th. She hasn't woken up yet, but I know she will. The doctors (though they terrify me and I would prefer to stay away from them) know what their doing. One of her nurses told me why Monique's unconsious; She said it's because it's her bodies way of getting better. By shutting down for a bit to get the rest she needs.
I miss her so much though. I know she's resting and it'll help, but it doesn't help how I feel right now.
Julian had been bringing my homework home to me, I wasn't forced to go to school. But I will be after summer. I also haven't been going to Ballet, because Gozzi would be there. Those evil girls didn't even get introuble, and they're the reason Mo is hurt. They've been picking on us, and being awful for no reason since the very start. It's all intentional, it's what they live for and I've had enough. I will set things straight. I will get my revenge, somehow or another. I will.
And as far as I'm concerned, Olivia Della Penna has picked her side. The past is the past, and she's no friend of mine. It's all fair game now. They started this, I'll finish it!
XoX - Fierce Queen
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 11-13-2008 at 12:05 AM.