Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 11-01-2008, 04:11 AM   #22 (permalink)
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heart here you go...

Chapter five

“Happy Birthday Harry” Ginny smiled. She knelt down by the side of his bed as he opened his eyes, smiling at her. He reached for his glasses on the small bedside table, and put them on the room and Ginny coming into focus. “Hello Gin”
She moved in closer and kissed him tenderly on the lips. “Hello Harry” she replied
“Come on it’s time to get up, I want to give you your present”
“Wasn’t that it?” he grinned, as she sat on the bed opposite holding a small black box in her hands.
“No, though it could be then I could take this back and buy myself a gorgeous dress I saw the other day” she waved the box at him.
“Since this is the only present I’ll be getting I shall be grateful, though you in a dress does seem tempting” He sat down next to her grinning as she stared at him, “what?”He asked looking at her concerned,
“So there are muscles under your robes” he was only wearing an old pair of tracksuit bottoms and his bare chest, arms and stomach, muscular and slightly scarred from six years of fighting evil and playing Quidditch were being admired by Ginny Weasley. His face turned red but he laughed
“You shouldn’t be noticing Miss Weasley”
“I can’t help it, your hot Mr Potter” She giggled as he pulled her into a kiss, his hands crept threw her hair and down her back while her hands searched his chest feeling his skin against her own. They broke apart only for air’s sake but when he moved to kiss her again she handed him her gift instead. He opened it and smiled.
“Oh Gin, thankyou” he kissed her softly on the lips his smile not fading as he held it gently staring into it. One of the two small faces of the silver pocket watch was foggy with white mist when four faces became clear, each smiling up at him, of Lily, James, Sirius and Dumbledore.
“I thought it was nicer then a photograph and easier to carry with you”
“It is, thankyou” he turned it over to read an inscription

To Harry,
On your seventeenth birthday,
So the people, you miss won’t be forgotten with time
With love, Ginny

He hugged her tightly wanting never to let go but knowing he had to. He smiled to try and reassure himself and her that this was the best thing for them both, fearing those around him were wrong.
“I’ll miss you Harry”
“We’ll be together soon”
A single tear fell from her gentle brown eyes as she turned and walked towards the fireplace already burning green. Ron ushered her forward into the flames not looking at Harry and staring at a stain on the carpet. Ginny stepped in and waved goodbye “the burrow” she spoke clear and loud disappearing within the flames as they changed back to crimson and orange.

He turned and stared at Harry, his face angry his ears flushed scarlet,
“Yes” he spoke with malice
“Take care of her; she needs it though she might not want it” Harry couldn’t look at him.
“It’s my job to protect her, and I think it’s going well don’t you” Ron glanced at him smiling
Harry sat on the bed his wand clutched in his pocket angrily as Lupin walked in not bothering to knock.
“It’s time” he said as Ron was consumed by the emerald flames and Harry picked up his bag.

“Where are we?”
“The safest place we could secure, this is my home”
They walked down the path, to be greeted by a worried looking Tonk’s.
“Wotcher Harry” she smiled slightly, he sighed quietly and replied politely “Hi Tonk’s”
“Remus, I thought you said yesterday the others have been worried” she looked at him as Harry stood patiently at the door.
“You mean you’ve been worried” Remus hugged her before they walked hand in hand to Harry and opened the door.
‘I forgot they got together’ he thought feeling miserable. He was led to a small pale cream room and told to settle in while they had to visit the Burrow and attend to the orders instructions, so he would be home alone.
He looked through his trunk and found parchment and a quill and sat on his bed to write.

Hi Ginny,
I hope you’re doing ok since you left school after last year. Im still at the Dursley’s, they’ve gone on holiday and was told that I wasn’t allowed to use my owl; she’s locked outside for now. I think they trust me now im older. I will see you and the others at school soon and am looking forward to the year beginning again. Thankyou for your present, it was very thoughtful and thanks Ron and Hermione’s for there’s too. See you all soon Harry.

He waved his wand over the parchment saying “Writo disappearum” and the ink melted into the parchment and smiling he began to write again.

I hope your feeling better even though you are at home. We have to wait patiently till the time comes when we can be together again. We can’t use owls so I’ll find another way to get this to you. I can’t tell you where I am but where ever it is im safe since I don’t even know where it is. There are no girls and even if there were you would never have to worry about me, I have you want more could I ever want. I miss you and can’t wait to see you again, thankyou Ginny for everything. With love, Harry

He waved his wand again “Writo Appearum Ginny Weasley” the old letter returned and the newer one dissolved into the parchment. The second letter could now only be read by Ginny and the first letter would appear for anyone else.

He folded it up and placed it in an envelope on put it on the bedside table. He lay on the bed thinking. He was stuck with Tonk’s and Remus for the rest of the holidays and he wasn’t looking forward to it.

Ginny stepped out of the fire place to her mother and Hermione waiting for her. She didn’t look up and fled straight up to her room. Hermione came up behind her worried for her friend and knocked on the door trying to get in but the door was locked she got out her wand to unlock it but hesitated and put it away.

“Ginny” she whispered though the door “Ginny are you ok?”
“What do you think Hermione, just leave me alone all of you, leave me alone”
She threw her bag in the corner of the room, and began to take aim using her anger to destroy the photos of her family smiling up at her from her desk. The framed news clipping from there holiday in Egypt lay smashed on the yellow rug while glass and remains of others covered the floor. Her anger subsided as she sat herself on to her bed drawing the covers up around her and looked out of the window tears falling; her heart beat still racing with the adrenaline of anger.
“For the best?” she whispered closing her eyes, lying back and waiting for sleep.
RIP JD Salinger
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