Thread: Harry Potter: Be With You - Sa16+
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Old 10-30-2008, 09:53 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887

Yey a new chapter! for all of my readers so far ENJOY !

Chapter four

Ginny woke up on her bed and stretched out, the blanket placed on her falling off. She looked around the room, and he was gone.
“Harry…Harry where are you?” she got up and looked around, the bathroom door was open and the light was off, his bed had been slept in but he wasn’t anywhere in the room. She stuck her head out of the door and down the corridor, it was empty. She closed the door putting the chain across it and drew her wand sitting on the couch shaking, pointing it at the door.
The door opened as far as the chain would allow, and a mass of black hair poked through.
“Gin, you awake then” he glanced at her on the couch, shaking violently her wand held up
“Oh god, im so sorry Gin you thought…” Tears began to run as she ran to unlock the door. He pushed it open and she threw herself at him, hitting his chest and arms with her small fists and sobbing. He grasped her wrists and looked into her eyes before pulling her into a hug.
“Im sorry Gin, I went to see Tom about some food, and I thought you would be still asleep when I got back”
“I thought” she cried into his chest “I thought you’d gone… I thought some one… came and…”
She sighed and began to relax in his arms, as he stroked her hair,
“It’s ok Gin I’m here, there not going to get me with out a fight”
“I’m just worried”
“Let me do the worrying, im fine but you’re going to be for much longer if you think that when I leave the room I’ve been kidnapped or killed”
“It is a possibility” she looked up at him and he nodded seriously, “But don’t you think I’d have made as much noise as possible so you knew to get out, I won’t just disappear”

“So here you two are” said a voice from the doorway. They turned to look at him.
“Lupin” Harry observed his face catching no glimmer of emotion what so ever, he looked so much older then when they had last spoke though his robes seemed cleaner and better taken care of.
“Harry, Ginny”
“We’re not going anywhere” Ginny said staring at him,
“Harry I am to take you too the safe house, Ginny someone will be here shortly to take you home, you shouldn’t have ran you only made things worse with your parents” he glanced at his watch before returning his gaze to them,
“And she said we’re not going” Harry gripped his wand in his pocket
“Come and talk to me Harry” he placed a hand on Harry shoulder, “just Harry” he steered him out of the room leaving Ginny to lie on the couch and wait.

“Have a seat” he pointed to two seats in an uninhabited room.
“I don’t think you want to hurt Ginny, but you are. You have to break this off for her sake”
Harry sat in silence as he continued.
“You are being selfish by involving her, have you thought of the risk you putting her in. If or more likely now, when Voldemort finds out about her he will kill her to get to you”
“I won’t let it happen, I won’t hurt her and I won’t leave her, she needs me just as much as I need her” Harry refused to look at him.
“You’re endangering her, by putting yourself out as a target. Your selfishness surprises me, James would have never -”
“My dad died protecting my mother, I’m going to protect Ginny. Am I not allowed ever to be happy or have anything or any one that will make me happy?”
“You have a right to it the same as everyone else but you also have a responsibility, you’re the only one who can stop this war and you know it”
“And what if I don’t want it any more, what if after seventeen years of pain, suffering and losing everyone I love I want to be with the only one left who’s still alive”
“If you do, you both won’t be alive much longer. If you except are advice, our help we can keep her safe for you and help you fight him.”
“I want her by my side, she wouldn’t have it any other way and neither would I. If I died I would die happy knowing I for once had a good time in my life that I was with the girl I loved fighting for peace, rather then hiding in fear”
“Your parents never hid in fear of there own lives only yours, and now it’s my job to protect you as was it Sirius’s, to make there sacrifice worthwhile”
“And look what happened to him, he died, I lost him and I won’t let it ever happen again”
“I understand how you feel”
Harry stood up rage consuming him and his face contorted in anger,

“No but -”

“Then you’ll never understand, no one does apart from her” Harry whispered before leaving the room and rejoining Ginny.

She got up immediately and hugged him.
“I heard the shouting, are you going with him?” She felt his heart beating violently in his chest as he took deep breaths to calm down.
“Ginny, what if you die what will I do?”
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m safe with you and if im not, I can look after myself”
“And If I die fighting him”
“It’s not going to happen and I know its not, you won’t leave me you promised”
“You seem certain, how?”
“It’s like you said, ‘I just know’” she stared up into his emerald eyes and he stared back.

“Ginny, it’s time to go home now” her brother’s voice rang though out the room.
“Im staying here Ron and you can tell that to Bill too”
“How do you know Bill’s here?”Harry looked at her surprised
“He was under the cloak in the bar yesterday, it’s hard to hide scars on people hands”
“Let my sister go Potter” Said Ron and Harry sighed,
“So we’re at surnames now, we were best friends and now you’re calling me Potter like a Malfoy”
“And, if you don’t let her go I’ll have to curse you”
“Oh yeah your of age, I forgot you were older then me it’s a shame you don’t act like it”
“It is.” Smiled Ginny, “Tell me Ron how’s Hermione, have you asked her out yet or has she finally gone to visit Krum, she told me there very close”
Ron face became pale but his ears crimson.
“Now that was low Gin, it’s not nice to kick a man when he’s down” Harry looked down at her smiling teasingly.
“In whose opinion is he a man, he won’t acknowledge his own feelings never mind anyone else’s” she replied.
“Ginny we’re going home now” Hissed Ron as he grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away but she held on to Harry just as tightly as he held on to her.
“Let go” he pointed his wand at Harry’s heart and Ginny stepped back quickly “You wouldn’t Ron, don’t even joke” Said Ginny trying to pull Ron away. He pushed her back and she landed on a bed. Ron walked forward pinning Harry against the wall his wand at his chest still.
“Why wouldn’t I, he’s changed you made you different. He stole you away from your family and he’s going to hurt you just like he betrayed me”
“Betrayed you, how? He never stopped wanting to be your friend even when you decided not to be his, he hasn’t even got his wand out now, he doesn’t want to hurt you”
“By dating you, by running off with you yesterday”


“He should have said no!” he lifted his wand and his mouth moved to say a spell when
“Expelliamus” yelled Ginny clutching her own wand. “It’s bad enough having Voldemort after Harry, I won’t let you be as well. If you want see me again I suggest you leave and take your wand with you” she shoved it into his hand and walked to Harry’s side. She grasped Harry’s hand in her own and held her wand in the other watching as Ron opened the door and Lupin and Bill came in.

“You can’t win this Ginny, your underage and your parents have charged us with getting you back, Harry your only a day away from coming of age, why be expelled fighting us when you should be fighting someone else.”
“I would be fighting him if your weren’t so busy trying to take the only person I care about away”
“How do you know you’ve only dated a few weeks at school?”Questioned Ron,“You don’t care about her the same way you never cared about our friendship”

“Being kept away from some one can make you realise things especially when you can only communicate in the middle of the night by owl or see each other in secret” Said Harry staring at Ron defiantly, wanting a reason to duel him.
Ron looked at Ginny filled with disgust “You met in secret, so I take it you weren’t ill the other day, where were you hiding him, in your bed?”

She let go of Harry’s hand and moved so fast no one in the room had time to blink. She slapped Ron across the face with all of her strength looking at him furiously.

“You know full well you only say things like that because you can’t get a certain someone to look at you never mind sleep with you. I shouldn’t have to justify myself to you let alone anyone else but for your information he was under it not in it” As he held his cheek in shock and she looked at Ron loathingly ready to lash out at him again, Harry grasped her arm and pulled her back from him not knowing what else to do but she didn’t resist.

“You did this Harry you changed her, the old Ginny would never have-”
“Don’t you dare blame Harry Ron; I’ve grown up and am seeing you for what you are. The kind of wizard that trails along in other peoples shadows hoping for a break from trying to live up to peoples expectations. You only can’t ask Hermione out because you’re intimidated by her intelligence and that she’ll realise what you are just like I have”

Ron looked at her in surprise and then turned and left the room. Bill spoke up next,
“He’s your brother, how could you speak to him like that? Im your brother as well are you going to do the same to me?”
“What’s the point?” Ginny stared at him while Harry glanced at Lupin.
“You weren’t at home for me to analyse, and when you where it was with Phlegm”
“Don’t call my wife that”
“She’s only like this because she’s angry” Lupin stated simply, “she has a temper like her mother”
“And you would no wouldn’t you Werewolf, with a temper like yours people get killed or mauled” she gestured to Bill who glanced away uncomfortably.

“Gin, you’ve gone too far” Said Harry looking at her pleading with her, she looked at those vivid green eyes and her heart beat began to slow down, she took and deep breath sighed sitting on a bed twiddling her wand in her fingers.
Harry sat down next to her and held her hand, “I’ll see you on the train, at school and all of those years after but for now-”
“Be patient, and go home like a good girl” she looked up at him smiling “I suppose I could if you promise not to go adventuring without me, not to meet any girls in the vicinity of this so called safe house and not get killed before I see you again”
“I promise” He smiled “I want you safe so I can see you again. If that means were apart for a month then we have to do it, and you never know it might convince your parents”
“Hmm…” She replied vaguely before carrying on “You have the oddest ability of calming me down with those eyes, im going to end up destroying the burrow not having them to gaze into”
“You can see them everyday at school but for now we’ll have to get by with letters again” he smiled his eyes shinning with hope and love as he looked at her. She thought about it, gazing deep into the emerald orbs and nodded gently,
“Fine…” she sighed “only if we can stay here just for the rest of today and tomorrow, I want to be with you for your birthday”
“We could manage that as a negotiation” he laughed “come here” she smiled putting her arms round his neck and moved in closer. They kissed devotedly, Ginny’s tears falling softly and Harry’s heart pounding gently. They broke apart slightly; with Ginny enveloped in his arms he stroked her hair as he spoke to Bill and Lupin. “We’ll come with you, if we can stay here today and tomorrow and then we’ll go our separate ways”

“Fine” said Lupin “We will be in eleven, thirteen and fourteen tonight. Be ready for nine” Bill and Lupin joined Ron outside the door as Ginny closed it behind them. They stood and listened at the door, hearing Ron protest about waiting till tomorrow and leaving Ginny with Harry, but Bill was firm with him saying this was the only way they would leave without force.

Ginny sat on the bed as she heard them walk away, “It’s a shame” said Ginny
“What was? Harry said, sitting beside her.
“That you didn’t get any food when you went down this morning, I’m starving”
“Why don’t we go down and get something, hey and we can have Lupin, Bill and Ron join us, wouldn’t that be fun” he said laughing and she joined in.
“Ok, ok room service it is”
RIP JD Salinger
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