Join Date: Aug 2006
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| Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad December 11th, 2066
1:02PM Dear Diary,
So I haven't written in a long while. I've been super SUPER busy, training for ice skating has been scarily extremely intense lately. Know why? Because madame Popov has talked to Hunter, I, and our families: We are going to a figure skating competition in San Diego, California! That's in america, obviously. I'm so very excited! We could actually win this, I just know it! We've been practicing so hard and it'll pay off now.
Sadly, mum and dad can't come. I'm leaving in two days (on monday), and mum's so big she's ready to pop. She can't get up and move around alot, the doctors have her on bed rest because the babies are due anytime now. Dad needs to stay with her especially since she can't tame my unruly siblings on her own, and because Grandma is Grandma, she's volunteered to come with myself, my instructed and my partner and whoevers coming with him. We'll be gone for a week, so till the 20th. I've been to several different places before, but never anywhere in california. I really can't wait, it's going to be so much fun!
Uhhhm.. Gabriel just ran into my and the twins room saying they (the twins) disappeared? I'll be back!
Okay I'm back. Lissy and Lydia are the Houdini twins, I tell you! Houdini was this guy Harry, that did escapes and stuff.. but that's a close as I could get to find a word that fit their little disappearing acts. They do that often. Never EVER play hide and go seek with those two. EVER.
Okay, I need to go because I'm going to help mum by getting the kids ready. Lis and Ly and Gab are going over to Auntie Karen and Uncle Charlie's house for a few days. Auntie Karen is dad's (little) sister, she and auntie Maeva (his other, older sister) are both muggleborn witches - which is exactily how mum met dad, she was friends with his sisters. They all atended Hogwarts together.
Anyways! It's because of Joshua's 8th birthday and Kavin's 6th birthday. Their birthdays are both this month, so they decided to have one big party. So uncle Charlie is going to come pick up Gab, L&L which means they need to be ready and have their stuff packed! And I need to pack too, I leave after tomorrow people!! Your queen is extremely busy, being a big sister is proving to be hard with my already hectic life. Geeeeze. What's going to happen when the babies come?
XoX - Katie
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |