Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad September 2nd, 2066
4:01PM Dear Diary,
I have three words for you: Summer. Was. Coocoo. Bananas. Insane.
No wait, that's five. . . anyways! That's besides the point. It's been around two months or so since I've last updated you, because the whoooole almost entire family went on a big vacation together. Grandma said 'to celebrate life and live it to the fullest' which. . . I don't really understand but it was fun!
We went to Forks, Washington. I don't remember if I told you before but Julbug and I were born there, somewere. Where the rest of the Phoenix relatives are. Mum's known them for years and years now and we were visiting there when Juls and I were born on febuaury fourteenth 2057. Which, is super cool because it makes us different since we were the only ones born there out of our siblings.
So back to the vacation, we went to see those families over there that have known us for trillions of years and even remember Emmylyne as a baby. We visited Regina and Graciela's place first, but didn't stay for the whole day. It was hours, because Reg and her boyfriend Trenton were coming with us. Graciela was going to come too, but she couldn't because she had family events as well. By the way, Graciela is Regina's best friend.
The trip was way super duper fun. We got to go to an amusement park one day and had loads of fun, caused LOADS of noise and got in a little trouble. OH! Gabriel is now not only my assistant (which I figured out isn't a Jester, I haven't found the right name yet) but he's my body guard. While we were there Legend tried picking on me and said he was going to push me off a roller coaster and so Gab did good and bit Legend. He defended his queen! I was so proud.
Everything else is too much to write about and I don't feel like it. We explored alot. It was a good summer, a very good summer.
Now we've been back home for awhile and I started school again yesterday. Ms. Hornet is AWFUL as usual, summer didn't damage her bitterness at all. Not that I'm surprised..
What I AM surprised about was Olivia. I was so very excited to be reunited with my two best friends from home, we were suppose to meet up outside our classroom. Monique and I were there. Where was Olivia?! Where did we find her you ask? With Marietta and her crew! WE HAVE A PROBLEM PEOPLE! Your queen is NOT HAPPY. That is not alright. Not at all. I'm still furious! Urgh, I have to go. Ballet class and then skating till nine, we'll discuss this further later.
XoX - Troubled Queen.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |