Okay so I'm a day late but it's finished. I'm not too excited over this chapter but I think I'm just in a mood. My proofers seem to think it's fine. Anyway, enjoy!!
Chapter 6
Raven stretched her neck and rolled her shoulders. Just the sound of Draco’s voice made her cringe.
“Of course not! I would never treat my future husband this way. But you I can treat however I wish,” she said once again trying to leave.
“You can’t get out of this arrangement,” he said grabbing her arm. “I know that you’ve been trying since the death of your father. I can’t tell you my father won’t back out of the contract. You may want to stop trying, you may regret it later.”
“Okay, you’re touching me. I’m not exactly sure you should be doing that,” she snapped pulling away from his grip. “Now Draco, we have already had a lengthy discussion about threats. I shouldn’t have to remind you my feelings on threats from you or your dad.”
“Oh, love, these are not threats. They are promises. Also, you may want to reconsider your relationship with that Weasley twin as well.”
“First of all, do not call me love. That’s uncalled for and quite disgusting,” she said with an ill expression on her face. “Second, threats or promises from you mean nothing to me and you know it. Last, and certainly not least, you have no authority as to what I do with my life. So back off!”
Draco’s face was a bright shade of pink. He had fury in his eyes and looked as though he was going to snap in two.
“Now if you will excuse me, my uncle needed to see me about something,” she said. Instead of trying to walk around him, she knocked into him, bumping him out of her way.
The moment she got a few steps away, Draco once again grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him. Raven struggled to break free, but Draco was slightly stronger and he pulled her closer and kissed her. She quickly pushed herself away and once free, pulled out her wand and aimed it at Draco’s head.
“Rave!” said a voice behind her.
Raven didn’t look to see who it was. Her adrenaline was pumping so hard, that her body was shaking. Her breathing was heavy and she knew if Draco made the slightest wrong move she would kill him.
“Raven!” said the same voice.
She still didn’t take her eyes off of Draco. Just then she felt a gentle hand touch on her shoulder.
“Raven,” the voice said. She wasn’t even thinking about who was talking to her or touching her, “I saw what happened. Don’t do it. Don’t get into trouble for him.”
Raven walked up closer to Draco and never let the wand dip an inch. “Touch me again, in any way, shape or form, and it will be the last thing you do. Remember this moment Draco. This is your last warning. Touch me again, and you are dead!” Raven looked at the scared boy, her voice and her body still shaking in rage. She lowered her wand and walked away.
She had only taken a few steps when Draco decided it was best to speak again. “Why take your threat seriously, when you won’t act on it?”
Raven stopped. The only words going through her mind were “kill him.” She turned around and lunged toward Draco. With her wand already out, she was about to cast a spell when a mysterious force pulled her back.
“You don’t think I’ll act?” she yelled. “Come on! Fight me, you stupid coward! Fight me! And when you’re face down on that floor, drawing your last breath, you’ll be eating those words! If you’re so brave, fight me!”
The force holding her back was keeping her from pointing her wand at Draco. She was trying to fight but couldn’t. Raven decided to calm down for a moment and when she did, she felt a release on her arms. She then tried to lunge at him again but now there was someone standing in front of her.
“Raven, come on! He’s not worth it!” said the voice.
“Watch your back, Draco Malfoy! You’re dead!” Raven then finally settled down and walked away. Draco never uttered another word.
As she rounded a corner, she heard the same voice again, only this time she decided to see who it was.
She saw that it was George, who looked deeply concerned. Behind him were the others, all of whom looked just as worried. Raven’s heart was still pumping out of her chest. She didn’t know if she could come up with anything to say.
“We all saw what happened. Are you okay?” asked George, putting both hands on her shoulders.
“He…touched me,” she could barely get her words out. Her breathing was still quite heavy. “That was my first…I wanted to kill him.”
“Calm down, Rave,” said George. “I’m going to walk her to Snape’s office. You go on ahead,” he said to the others.
The two walked to Snape’s office and not a word was spoken until they got there. By that time, Raven’s breathing returned to normal and her heart seemed to stop beating so fast.
“Are you going to be okay, now?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she said in a much calmer tone, but still clearly upset. “That’s not exactly how I planned my first kiss.”
“We can pretend it didn’t happen. We are talking about Malfoy. It couldn’t have been good,” he said trying to get her to feel better. When she gave a little grin, he seemed a relieved. “There, a smile.”
They gave each other a hug, both knowing the situation could have been much worse if George had not arrived when he did.
“Thanks for helping me. I’ve never been that angry before. I’m sorry you had to see that. I never knew that was in me,” she said starting to doubt herself. “If you had not stopped me, I don’t want to admit what would’ve happened. You have to believe me, that is not me.”
There was a small pause where they both reflected on what just happened. George took the back of his fingers and caressed Raven’s face, and then pulled her in for another hug. “I believe you,” he whispered.
Just then the door to Professor Snape’s office burst open and Snape came barreling through. The noise made Raven and George jump away from each other.
“Thank you, Mr. Weasley,” said Snape in a cold tone, “I’m sure Raven never would have made it here without your escort.”
“Oh shut up!” Raven snapped to Snape as she walked into his office. She turned around to look at George who was standing there nervously, “Bye, George.”
Before George could respond, the doors slammed in front of her. For a moment she dreaded this conversation with Snape. Raven had an issue with his precious student. How was she going to explain to him, that if it weren’t for George, she would be on her way to Azkaban right now, for killing Draco?
“What took you so long?” Snape asked, walking furiously over to his desk. “You were supposed to come here after dinner.”
“I was on my way after dinner,” Raven said to him, snapping back. She rolled her eyes while he wasn’t looking and walked over and sat in an empty chair in front of his desk. “I had a run in with your favorite student.”
“Who? What happened?” he asked, now looking interested in what she had to say.
“Don’t act like you don’t know who I’m talking about,” she said. Raven then went into detail about the incident in the hallway with Draco. She also included what would have happened if George had not stepped in to stop her. The whole time, Snape sat expressionless at his desk. Then Raven stood and approached his desk. “If you cannot control that little flea, I will break him.”
“I am not going to defend Malfoy’s actions,” clearly hiding his anger at the situation, “but killing Malfoy, or even hurting him, will just increase your problems. I will deal with Mr. Malfoy and I will have a word with his father.”
“You know, it’s your fault I’m in this marriage contract. You should be doing everything to get me out!”
“My fault? How do you suppose that?”
“I don’t suppose! You are the one that told Lucius where we were hiding! Then he shows up on our doorstep, butters up my father and poof! I have to get married to his ungrateful, spoiled, pathetic son!”
“If I had known-”
“Don’t give me that! You know that Lucius can’t be trusted getting an old lady across the street! What made you think that you could tell him where my runaway, Death Eater father was hiding?”
“The Dark Lord was gone. I didn’t see a threat anymore.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Raven went back to the chair. “If you don’t see Lucius as a threat to anything, you’re mental.”
“Since I found out about the contract in your father’s final letter, I’ve been doing what I could to get you out of the arrangement. Lucius Malfoy has anticipated that you will be trying to break the contract and is doing all that he can to keep it in tact through the Ministry.”
“So, tell them, as my legal guardian, that I want out and my father wanted out,” she said.
“It’s not that easy. But about Mr. Weasley-”
“Look,” she interrupted, “if you’re going to tell me to stay away-”
“Have you told him everything?” he asked abruptly.
There was a long pause as Raven dreaded to hear this question. She had secrets that she was keeping from her new friends. It was already huge that they knew she was related to Snape, but that was completely unavoidable. But her other secrets could possibly have more devastating effects.
“No,” she said quietly. “It’s not time yet.”
“I know you haven’t told them about the contract, but what about your family?” he asked. “Especially, your mother’s side.”
“George knows about father,” she said looking away from him. “I didn’t go into much detail about my mom.. It’s not time to go into my mother and her side of the family, not with Sirius Black running around.”
“Perhaps it’s best to keep that one under wraps.”
Raven only nodded.
“As far as Draco goes, don’t do anything you’ll regret. The last thing you want is a confrontation with his father.”
Raven laughed. “If a confrontation with Lucius Malfoy and myself is something you want to avoid, you better duck and cover now because it’s coming!”
Chapter 7