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Old 08-19-2008, 07:51 AM   #44 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
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Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

June 12th, 2066
Dear Diary,
Firstly, looking over the entry from yesterday I failed to mention Regina's here, though that's obvious.. okay I kinda did, but I didn't formally say it I just threw her in. So yes, Regina is here. She's visiting for awhile; we hardly see her since we're in Europe and she's in America. It would be simple of Regina would use the magical methods of transportation she was born to be able to use, but noooo. She prefers not to, Reg would rather fit in with 'normal' people. Not that it's a bad thing I guess, dad's a muggle. I just wish we got to see her more often then once a year, is that so much to ask? I know I shouldn't complain, she's here now and staying awhile, then going to see Nikolas and his wife Jasmine, and then going to see Emmy as well, so I'll see her again. Speaking of which, maybe I could see if Monique and her brother Carter could come too! I'll have to ask Legend what he thinks first, Carter's his friend.

I'm going to hang out with Regina tomorrow, and the next day is 'family day' *Insert eye rolling here* so mum's going to call my ballet teacher, Mrs. DaClan and my figure skating coach Madame Popov to let them know I won't be there. The next day I have both lessons as usual, which Hunter also attends one of them. He figure skates too; Madame Popov, our instructor (I just call her coach..), believes we're the best out of our class and work 'fabulously' together. We have an opening for a partner skate thing, and she offered it to us! Which means extra work, but it's so worth it.

Back to what I was saying, after and between classes I'm going to be with Hunter. I should see if Legend will come, since he has ballet with me. I'm not sure if he would come down to the rink, but it can't hurt to ask.. maybe I could use my birthday wish he gave me on that. To make him come. I haven't used it yet, so why not? I haven't come up with anything better to use it for.

I would ask Monique and Olivia to come too, but Mo is at.. her dads house, I think. And Livi went to visit her grandma for a week, so neither will be home.

Speaking of Grandma's, I want to go to mine soon! Just me, and Julian. No Lissy, or Lydia, or Gabriel this time. They can go another time, I want a day or two with Grandma Angelina, and Julian of course. We're hardly ever seperated, it feels funny when we are.. atleast I think so. Plus I need him to help me, Grandma Angelina has three horses and she told me before I helped her alot by riding them because it let's them get out and exercise alot. All three are fully grown gypsy horses; whatever that means I'm not really sure at this moment but I'll have to ask or something. Anyways, the first one is Esmerelda, she's white and black blotched, kinda like how a cow looks. Cinnamon reminds me of.. well, cinnamon. her coat looks like that color but a little lighter, like.. a buttered cinnamon roll and last there is Snowy, he's the newest; his name fits since he could easily blend right in with the pure white wet fluff during the winter.

Grandma Angelina has a bunch of other pets too, Mum seys her house is worse than a zoo. The bunnies are so cute though, and then there's Chester. Chester is a kneazle, he's about five years old and you'll never see another kneazle with such a personality and attitude on him you'd think he thought he was human. Oh! Rabid is over there too, he's Savannah's one year old badger. Still a baby badger cub, but he's growing more. Much bigger than what she found him as. If you had a brain, I'm sure you'd be thinking something along the lines of 'Your sister's insane' well don't! Cause Savannah's not, she might not think clearly about how dangerous some creatures can be but that's just her. If some snake bit her, startling her and was the reason of her falling backwards and stepping on it, she would be more concerned with if the thing was okay or not rather than the newly open wound she had. It's incredibly silly, but that's my sis. I respect the way she thinks and feels, like that. She had found and saved Rabid when he was only weeks old, his mother had died and he was all alone. Now the badger acts more like a dog.. or turtle is a better example, they even have the same diet!

I need to be going now, so I'll wrap this up as quickly as I can because I have BIG HUGE NEWS!! (Which is going to be a discussion topic on 'family day') My mother, Lorraine Mae, is going to have a baby. We were just told last night, I had nightmares of screaming babies and flinging of dirty diapers and oh! It was awful. Thirteenth kid sounds insane right? Yeah I agree!! You chew on that, while I go chew on my breakfast. See ya!

XoX - Kaitlynnh
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.

Last edited by D.A Forever; 08-19-2008 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Error in writing XD
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