Join Date: Aug 2006
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| Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad February 2nd, 2066
9:04PM Dear Diary,
Okay since you know enough about your Queen for now and you'll learn more as we go, why don't I write about my family next? I would do family and friends, but we'll save friends for the next page. Family might take up three on it's own, my older sister Savannah seys the family tree won't ever stop growing and I see her point, I think we have a miniature forest as it is!
So, my family. We'll start with.. uhh, whatever order I put them in, and I'll even put two 'interesting' facts about them, each. Interesting is only a maybe people, bear with me here.
Mum is a good place to start! Okay, Mummy: She.. is my mum? How do you describe parents anyways? Uhm. This isn't right! I WANT MY JESTER! .. Nevermind, he can't write very good yet, he's only just turned six. Plus I don't want him in MY diary. What was I thinking?!
Anyways, mum, right. My mum is a strong british/italian Witch, and raised twelve kids. She's also worked in the Department of International Magical Cooperation in the Ministry nearest to home for a long time now, and has been the head of the department for almost as long. Dad: Is a muggle, as in none magical person. As in outnumbered by alot of magical people! He's irish and american, and is a dentist. He's really smart like mum, but also smart in sports too. Dad's always taken the time for family days when the wheather's right, all of us would go outside and play.
So I haven't really pointed out any cool facts about them or anything, but they're my parents. I SAID BEAR WITH ME HERE! Stupid book.. Emmylyne: Is my eldest sister. She's now an adult, married with kids. Fact number one: She's my half-sister. We don't have the same dad. Fact number two: Emmy was a top student in Charms, during her years in Beauxbatons, and graduated with the highest marks from that class. Regina: Lives in america! So far away, I'd say it's not fair but everyone else that's moved out are just as far away almost. I'm little, I have no say.. back on topic; Fact number one: Reg told a muggle about US! US as in her FAMILY. As in what we ARE. I didn't even know that was allowed?! Good thing is it was her boyfriend, and he didn't think she was a nutball. Fact number two: .... I'll get back to you. Yeah right. Nikolas: The first born boy. Fact number one: He was born on July 31st, with the maximum of three hours before the next day, therefore passing on his eleventh birthday to go off to a wizarding school by the hairs up his nose. Emmy was VERY upset when Nik was a first year right along side of her, since she missed the year before that by two months because her birthday is in november. And number two is: He's a dragon keeper in Romania, with a wife and son. Gabriel: Is the baby. Fact number uno (That's spanish right?): He was adopted almost a year ago. Two: He is my Jester. Or.. assistant, I'll have to check those words meanings or something. Madison: Is almost like a split mini Regina when Regina was little. She tries bossing ME around! Not okay. But when she's not being controlling Madi's a pretty cool sis, she's taught me stuff Reg has taught her in gymnastics, and has helped me with ballet. Madison's currently a fourth year in Beauxbatons Academy. Lissy AND Lydia: Yes, I said AND. I can't split them up, they're NEVER EVER split up. Ever. No matter what the circumstances are, they're always side by side. They're identical as well, and love matching to the point where one could be the other's mirror. L&L's personalities are even alike, it's crazy.. those two are the little troublemakers too! Just last week I left for a few hours and came home to see my room was suddenly they're fort! Urgh.. Normally when one of us does something wrong Mum has to sit there and shout a list of names till she calls the right one, but with these two it's a third as bad because you would never figure out which is which and who did what if not together before it isn't even worth punishing anyone over. Confusing huh!? That's my life. Get use to it. Savannah: Savannah in three words is: Caring, Clumsy and Crazy. All start with C's, All true. She pet a Cheetah at school that ended up being her transformed best friend, come on now people! I think she tries taking the most time to help explain things when a situation calls for it, at home atleast. Like when she tries teaching me or Julian or Gab or L&L stuff, or even a neice or nephew, anyone I guess. Savannah has alot of patience and always makes it a point she's there whenever someone needs her; She is someone I look up to most out of my family, my role-model or idol you could say. Conner: Past away almost four years ago, come July 9th. I wish I remembered him more than I do, because I don't remember everything the older kids do. From what I know of him, I can't describe. We don't mention him often, It's been awhile but it's still an iffy topic. How do you get over your teenage son dying unexpectedly after maybe less than a year of getting him back from being kidnapped? Conner was an absolutely amazing person, and brother. That I won't ever forget. Joseph: Joseph is Savannah's twin brother, he just re-joined the family almost a year ago too, right after Gab. To cut a really long story short, they're birth was an emergency thing, problems had accured and mum wasn't conscious enough to know what was going on, while dad wasn't allowed in the room. They were told the first baby hadn't made it which wasn't true at all. To this day we don't know why that happened, except that there are evil people in the world. We're greatful to have him back, Aunt Savina found his name in an adoption agency place in California somewhere if I remember right.
Last, we have Julian: My twin brother. We're nothing alike. He's quiet, calm and collected. I'm loud, short-tempered and impatient. We level eachother out really well, admittedly. He's the one person that can always make me feel better when all I want to do is explode like the mighty mountain. Anger as my lava. Everyone outside of our family makes comments about us, things like he's the good kid and I'm the brat.. I'm not meant to hear those things but it hurts eitherway, and he knows that without me telling him. He's right by my side even when I don't deserve his sympathy or attention, and never stops encouraging me in my minor goals no matter how awful I can be sometimes.
I have to go now, that was it. My immediant family minus our pets. It's my bedtime in twenty minutes, and I need to change and brush my teeth and hair and wash my face! Maybe next time I'll even show you my extended family. Or maybe not.. it all depends.
XoX - Kaitlynnh.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |