Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee.
bubi means bye
ok well thanks but im going to change it lightly
Albus, James and Rose all stood in a straight line, ready to leave. The nurses had declared Rose well enough to go back to school.
“Albus, James be nice to each other and don’t get into trouble. See you at Christmas”
“Me, trouble” James began to laugh
“James” Harry said warningly. James stopped laughing
“Albus look after Rose, make sure no harm comes to her” Ginny told his son in a whisper
“Yes mum” he whispered back letting Ginny kiss him on the cheek.
“Rose, be careful at school, always stay with people you know” her mother told her
“Yes mum” Rose kissed her mother, hugged her father and joined James and Albus
After more goodbyes, hugs and kissed they were ready to go
“Bye Rose” Hugo said giving his older sister a hug
“Bye Hugo!
“Albus, James” Lily outstretched her arms for them to give her a hug.
10 minutes later the three children, each with a finger on a old boot (portkey), they looked at their parents one last time before they were lunched into nowhere. They began to spin.
A big light began to shine in the headmaster’s office. The headmaster didn’t even look up. Albus, James and Rose suddenly appeared in the office.
“Good morning Mr. Potter, Mr. Potter and Miss. Weasley, nice to have you back” Professor Smart finally looked up to look at them
“You may go” He said
The three children stumbled out the office and down the stone steps.
“Well I must go, I need to see Samantha” James ran off
“Who’s Samantha?” Rose asked Albus
“His girlfriend” He told her simply
Albus grabbed Rose’s hand and started to run towards their common room
“Where we going?” Rose asked
“To see Lily-Anne” Albus told her.
They came to the porthole. Said the password and rushed in
“Albus” Lily-Anne jumped from her sat to give Albus a kiss. Rose stood there feeling embarrassed. Finally they broke apart.
“Lily-Anne this is my cousin Rose” Albus pointed at Rose
“Rose so nice to meet you at last. I’ve heard so much about you” Rose looked at Albus, who smiled. Lily-Anne at that moment new she was going to get along with Rose.
“Did you know us three together; we could solve mysteries, and fight anything that needs fighting” Lily-Anne said suddenly, startling Albus and Rose
“A three-some. Like my dad and your parents Rose were at our age”
“Our adventures have only just begun” Rose told them
They looked at each other and laughed. The three best friends, best friends always.
THE END………………
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Last edited by Ladybug; 07-16-2008 at 12:21 PM.