Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee. Thanks eveyone. Ok everyone this is the thrid and final post of today. And after this post there are only 3 posts left.
*Starts to cry* I'll miss you all
ok here it is
Albus walked into the professor’s office
“Good afternoon professor” he said sitting down in the same seat he had sat in before
“Good afternoon to you to Albus, now before we begin we must wait for your brother James as this concerns him as well”
Not long after there was a knock on the door and James walked in
“Ahh James, please take a seat” the professor said pointing at the seat next to Albus. Once James had taken his seat the professor began to speak
“Well I have some news to tell you, but first I must tell you the bad news your father forbid me from telling you a couple of months before, for fear you may get to worried,” He stood and looked at the boys, they sat there listening, the professor continued
“A couple of months before your mother and sister went missing…”
“WHAT!!” both boys shouted interrupted the headmaster
“….calm boys let me continue. Your father sent me a letter telling me this, and he told me that it would be best if I never told you for fear, as I said before, for fear you would worry and that you would not pay your full attention to your classes. I had no choice but to obey him, as he is your father and he wants nothing to happen to any of you. Anyway for the good news, a couple of day’s age they were found. Your mother, sister and Rose…”
Albus lit up when he heard that Rose too had been found. Albus realised the professor was still talking.
“…They are at the moment recovering. Your mother and Rose recovered over night, but Lily, she only just made it. Now your mother and father have asked me if you two could miss school for the next couple of days to be with them. Now you will be leaving at dinner as I know you two have people to be with, you especially, I hear you have a sweetheart” He broke of his big speech to chuckle. Albus went bright red in the face.
“Now I will see you both here at 7 tonight, don’t be late” At that both boys left and slowly headed to their common rooms (as they had missed their last two lessons)
“So tell me Albus, who is this ‘Sweetheart’ of yours?” James teased
“Shut up, just a girl from my year that’s all” he nudged his brother
“What’s her name?” James asked
“Lily-Anne” at that moment they had reached their common room. Once in Albus ran to find Lily-Anne to tell he his news. Pls comment
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Beware. |