Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee. sorry for double post
here is chapter 24
“Mummy, Daddy” Lily said weakly. Everything hurt
“Lily” Ginny gave her a deep hug, Harry did the same.
Once she had pulled away form her father she looked around at everyone that surrounded her bed. Ron, Hugo, Harry, Ginny, Mr and Mrs Weasley, George, Sabrina and her twin Jemma, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Luna, and the rest of the order.
“Hello Lily, how are you?” Luna asked dreamily. She was like that.
“Everywhere hurts” She replied
“It’s going to be like that for the next couple of weeks I’m afraid, while you recover” Harry told her, he felt very sorry for her, being his only daughter he really wanted her to recover to her old self again. Lily moaned and leaned back on her pillows
“Where are Albus and James?” She asked her parents
“There be here shortly” Ginny told her gently while stroking Lily’s wonderful long hair. Lily closed her eyes
“She’s tired, she needs sleep” someone said. Lily opened her eyes and watched (but her parents) slowly get up and leave.
“Mummy, Daddy,” She began
“Yes Lily”
“Before I woke I was so scared. I was in this dark place, nothing but blackness. There was no one there, it felt like I had di…died and I’m scared if I go to sleep I’ll go back there” she finished, tears in her eyes. Lily looked at each other, concern on their faces.
“It’s ok Lily we’re hear, nothings going to happen. Now go to sleep” Ginny and Harry both gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Lily closed her eyes again and slowly fell to sleep. The last thing she heard before drifting off was her mother asking her father,
“What do you think this means?” pls comment
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Beware. |