Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee.
Jemma: No there is NOT 22 chapter left im posting chapter 22 now, which means there is going to be 6 more chapters.
Harry Potter Freak1: Ok ok here is your din din postie or what ever it is!!!
Krysta: Ok Im glad you love my fanfic, but its nearly finished.... ok im sorry James has not been in the story but really th story has not been based round him, but he will be in a chapter soon, i promise.
And i feel sorry for you being sick, GET WELL SOON!!!!
Ok bout this laptop thing, its very nice of you to send one but i do have to go to school, that mostly why i don't post all the time... that and clubs i go to but here is the next chapter
Albus woke from his sleep early the next day because of a small tap on his window. He got slowly up from his lying position and sat on the bed, too tired to move. Albus looked over at eh window to find an owl hovering in the air, is big blue eyes looking at him. Albus walked over to the window and opened it. The owl flew in and landed on his bed. Albus went over to the owl and took the letter from its feet, the owl flew out the window, and Albus shut it behind him. He sat on his bed and opened the letter. He began to read, the light from the moon beaming onto the letter. Dear Mr. Potter
We have some very good news. Please come to my office after lunch. Thank you
Professor Smart (Mike)
Albus smiled and put the letter into his trunk. He quietly got back into bed and fell asleep.
Albus sat at lunch, eager for it to finish, so he could go find out what this good news was. Without noticing Lily-Anne slid over to him.
“Albus,” She said “I need to talk with you” She finished
“L…Lily-Anne is this important?” he asked
“Yes but secret, follow me” she said sweetly. She stood (Albus following suit) and left the hall. Lily-Anne took Albus’s to the courtyard outside and sat down on a bench. Albus sat next to her, before talking Lily-Anne looked out over the grounds of the school.
“Albus, you can trust me right?” she asked him
“Yes” he replied shortly
“Then would you please tell me what’s wrong. I and your friends are worried”
Remembering the conversation he had heard between her and Jonny he said
“Lily-Anne, I…I heard the conversation you had with Jonny…”
“You did” Lily-Anne interrupted
“Yes, and I trust you, and I’m only going to tell you that the only problem is that I miss Rose, that’s all” He finished
Lily-Anne gave a sign of relief
“I’m glad you told me, but Albus Rose will be found but don’t neglect your friends Albus, there there to help” Albus nodded
“Albus have you had any letters from home?” She asked suddenly
“No, mum usually writes once a week, but they stopped a while back, it rather confuses me” He replied
“Yes strange” Lily-Anne looked out at the grounds, ‘I don’t know how to tell him’ she thought to herself. She was getting nervous; she seemed to have shown it because Albus said
“You seem nervous Lily-Anne” He took her hand and gave it a squeeze
“Well it’s just t…that I like you a lot Albus’s” said shaking, Albus’s face lit up
“Me…me too” He said. At that moment they both leaned in and kissed. It felt like forever for Albus, but it was only a couple of seconds. They broke apart. Lily-Anne smiled
“That was great” She said
“Yea” He agreed
Lily-Anne looked at her watch
“Come on we don’t want to be late for class” She took Albus’s hand and together they both walked to the castle.
At that moment Albus remembered he had a meeting with the headmaster.
“Lily-Anne, I just remembered I’m not in next class, I have to go meet the headmaster”
“Oh” She said simple
“Don’t worry I’ll find you later” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and hurried off
Albus ran up to the statue guarding the stairs to the headmaster’s office. He said the password (Fizzy pop) and to ran up to the door. Albus knocked
“Come in” called the professor.
Albus pulled the volt on the door and opened the door
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__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Last edited by Ladybug; 07-14-2008 at 03:02 PM.