oh look postie! *throws crowbar into the ocean "won't be needin' that"* Chapter Twenty "Your father scares me sometimes." Helga whispered to Rowena.
"My father scares me all the time." Rowena whispered back. Helga giggled.
They all sat by the fire and Godric told his story. They laughed in the right places and stared at him blankly at least once every sentence. Helga gasped and grabbed Rowena's shoulder every now and then.
"And then they said "Godric Gryfinndor, you are free to go." Godric finished with a barley noticible florish.
"Wow oh mighty knight of England." Rowena said, rolling her eyes but smiling.
Helga laughed along with her friends but noticed something off.
"Why would anyone want to build a school? We're educated just fine." Helga said.
"I think it's because not all of the muggleborn's get discovered." Salazar said thoughtfully.
"Yes, I suppose you're right." Rowena said.
"I've always thought it was because adult's hate us." Godric said.
"We ARE adults." Rowena said.
"I don't feel like an adult." Godric grumbled.
"It's because you're still a child mentally, we the three of us are making history you'll still be mocking your parents behind their back and jumping on your bed." Rowena repiled, Godric blushed pink and waved away the comment.
"Now shall I tell you about how I met a thief on the way home?" he asked.
"A thief?!" Helga exclaimed. End of Chapter Twenty |