Cedrella Coulter has always been insane, of that I am sure. You never know what she will say next. One moment she is praising you, and the next, she snaps and slaps you.
Living with her was never easy.
So when Maddie received a letter from her mother, she wasn't exactly thrilled. This would make letter number two since she left home.
Number one was last Christmas, when her mother tried to convince her into coming home for her annual Christmas Ball. Which as ALWAYS filled to the brim with beautiful pureblood boys who her mother could marry her off to in a split second. Needless to say, she didnt go home.
But this letter was slightly different than others. This time, she was being shifty and evasive. There was something that Cedrella was telling her, but not telling her. It was like she was warning her of something.
Dearest Bellatrix,
It has come to my attention that the Ministry of Magic has split up the girls and boys and sent them to different schools. This makes me happy. You never were the type of girl to pay attention to anything but the opposite gender, and you are such a bright girl.
Anyway, that is not the only reason which this news makes me happy, I want you away from those boys. Too bad there isn't sufficient evidence that this change will become permanent. Keep your eyes open and don't trust any of those boys, no matter what they tell you. Your job is to get top marks, leave the finding of boyfriends to me. Boys are not worth it. Especially the ones who want you to trust them.
Brutus sends his love, and poor Clifford as well. The separation is hard on him, even if he won't admit it.
Write soon,
Riiiiight. That made a lot of sense. NOT.