Thread: SSRPG: A Chosen Journal - Sa13+
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Old 06-20-2008, 07:59 PM   #61 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Takeru Asakura
Third Year

x5 x7
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★

September 17th
2:31 am

It's 2:30am. It's 2:30 am. It's 2:30am. I wonder if saying that over and over again will make me stay awake. Probably not....too bad cause...kinda scared to fall asleep right now. It's 2:30am

So I realized that I haven't written in this thing in like forever. I forgot again. I've been wayyy busy with to much things. But first; I'm not at Hogwarts. I'm at Belle's School of Magic for Young Witches. The ministry split up the boys and girls because they are a bunch of idiots. I don't mind the slip up too much but....they are still idiots.

It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots.

Good thing about being split up; No more Alexis and Fred comments. Bad thing about being split up; That means no more hanging with Fred...OR Dusty OR Curt OR Joey. Another good thing about being split up;......can't really think of one. Another bad reason; the rules are..hmm whats a good word?..Retarded. One more good thing about being split up;.......again nothing. One more bad thing; everything else thats not a good thing.

It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots.

I guess I'm pretty lucky that most of my friends are girls though that helps. So back to the "retarded" rules. The rules must be made up by a stupid Miguel or something. Nahh now one could be that stupid....not even someone in the stupid Ministry. You think I'd think better of the ministry since my dad's a Auror wouldn't you? Well.....too bad. Even my dad says that they are idiots....just not to their faces. OK back to the rules.

It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots. (writing this is kinda entertaining, plus its keeping me up)

Welll ok one rule is no running, jumping, skipping. Basically it says try not to have fun on school time. Whoopee Belle's gonna be really loved! Want another rule? No pets outside dorms. Yeah...urm till that to someone who doesn't have a hyper crazy super annoying dog that can't stay in one place for more than 3 mintues. I wonder if dogs can have ADHD....cause I think TK would have that....

OK I'm getting off topic! Now the BIGGEST rule that annoys me; No food or drink permitted outside the great hall. That includes candy. THAT INCLUDES CANDY!

It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots.

I got a pachage from Tyson before we stopped being aloud to send mail and it was full of candy. Which is good because they confiscated my candy from Hogsmeade. The things is though I can't really eat Tyson's candy because I don't know when I'll be getting more....At least thats what i THOUGHT. I went two weeks without eating candy. Its SO WEIRD. It's meh.... But today I thought of something, an idea. I brilliant idea! My best idea yet!! I'm breaking that rule. Yup. I don't care. I'm eating candy! And because the ministry are idiots they don't realize they teach MAGIC in this place. You know magic to duplicate i dunno..CANDY. Ha take that idiots.

Plus! Loophole. Candy isn't food anyways! When you're hungry you don't eat candy! You eat food! And when you're little your parents don't let you eat candy for dinner cause it ISN'T FOOD. So I win!

It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots.

Soo im really tired. And I have classes tomorrow. Im trying to think of somethings else I'm suppose to write but my brain is going blank....OH Quidditch. Tryouts will start soon. I'm scared.

Also...Mia is evil. I don't like her (ok I do but she's still evil)! She tried to steal Elmo Cinnamonboots! (My Abraxan from CoMC) Stealer.

It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots.

We had a Hogsmeade Trip and it turns out both the boys schools and the girls schools go together. Awesome. And now im trying to figure out what else is new....

I can't think I really wanna just fall asleep now. Theres only one other thing thats new. And it scares me. More than Quidditch Tryouts. You know how people say "Your past will come back to haunt you?" (or something like that) Yeah well...that's happening now. I won't go into any details....there is no point but thats the reason i don't wanna sleep. I really don't.

But I have to. After all classes are tomorrow so....bye?

- Alexyna Alexis

P.S It's 2:30am and the Ministry are a bunch of idiots.

{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}

{i'll show you}
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