Originally Posted by
Slightly obsessed?
Love it Twinneth <3333 :3
Only slightly
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Aww, Tree Boy is all she can think about

*huggles her*
hehe, dont tell him though, he might get a big head
Originally Posted by
Uhmm...Already told you how much I love this...
Buuuut here's another comment anyway!
You know how much I love your comments
__________________________________________________ _______________
With only three days
and counting until the Hogwarts Express takes her back to school, Maddie has decided to make the most of the rest of her summer.
So Maddie, Americkus, Natalia, Colby, and Natalia's new boyfriend Peter went to the new amusement park in the next city over.
It turns out that Peter is totally afraid of roller coasters, which Maddie couldnt blame him for.
She was not very fond of plummeting towards the cement thinking you are about to make a face plant.
But Colby talked her into trying it, he said that if she went on one coaster, he would buy her the biggest bar of chocolate she had ever seen.
Who could resist that?
Certainly not Maddie.
So she rode the stupid roller coaster. Screaming the whole time.
It wasn't even that exciting.
It was actually terrifying.
Colby has small moon shaped marks on his arm from where she dug her nails into him.
Serves him right.
So, after the ride, they went their separate ways, Nats, Americkus and Peter went to have lunch, and Maddie dragged Colby to the nearest shop, to get her chocolate.
Here we are. he said, handing her a bar of chocolate that was
almost as big as Clifford's head.
Maddie couldn't help but stare at it a little.
That was THE biggest chocolate bar she had ever seen in her life!
"Maybe we should just sit and stare at it for a while." she suggested, placing the chocolate on a table as she sat down.
This was a hallowed moment.
The biggest chocolate bar alive was now hers!
This was monumental!
So why wasn't Colby letting her have her moment of awe?
Whhy was he speaking to her in that soft voice?
The one she had taught him.
The flirty voice that was supposed to make a girl fall for him.
The kind of voice Pierre had.
Anyway, he was using that voice.
On her.
Oh, this was not good.
You know I like you, right?
Of course Maddie knew that Colby liked her, he had liked her ever since she moved in with Natalia last summer.
But she wasn't expecting him to do anything about it.
Tucking her bangs back she shrugged,
I dunno. I thought maybe.
Then Colby kissed her.
What was up with guys thinking they could just kiss her whenever they wanted?
Did she have a "kiss me" sign on her back?
Well, at least he didn't kiss her lips, only her cheek. Which could be interpreted as a friendly gesture.
But she knew him well enough to know that it wasn't.
I have a boyfriend. she said quickly, before he gained more courage to try kissing her again.
Poor Colby looked sad, and Maddie felt really bad. She should have told him about Tree Boy.
Especially knowing how Colby felt about her.
She was never good with this admirer thing.
I'm sorry to hear that. He's one lucky guy. was his reply, and she nodded.
Poor Tree Boy. He was going to develop a complex.
Luckily Americkus hurried over to them then, begging Maddie to go on the water ride with her.
They didn't talk much the rest of the day, and when they got home, Colby gave her a goodnight hug.
Let that boyfriend of yours know that if he hurts you, he will have to answer to me.
Ugghh. Isn't that what they always say?
Well, it was nice to feel loved enough that Colby would want to protect her from Tree Boy.
When she got back to her room, the first thing she did was turn Titanic on.
The rest of the night was spent eating the entire bar of chocolate and thinking about Tree Boy.
The next morning, she threw up.
Too much chocolate.