★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ August 2nd
When's the last time I've written in you? Wasn't it like July 1....7th? Maybe. I dunno. I really have to keep you updated but so many things have happened! Ok first, everyones gone. Yup. It's kinda weird because the house is all empty again. But at the same time the quite is nice....0_o did I just write that!?! I'll be able to see my friends soon though! When I go to shop for my things in Diagon Alley.
But there is one person that i'll be able to see before I go to Diagon Alley. Savannah! She's moving here! To Milan and guess what!?!?! To my neighborhood!! In two days!!!! It's awesome!!! Legend will be able to bother Katie and Juls and I can scare Vannah whenever I want, I'm actually going over there as SOON as they come.
So that's one thing. Another thing is, yesterday was a big day. Yurp, I turned 15. Meh, Im not a baby teen anymore. It's sad but I have to live with it. The day was a good bad sorta day. Good thing: Guess one present I got for my birthday?!?!?
CANDYYYY! It's ALOT like.....ALOT I cant even say. I have to measure but I already ate alot of it. My dad was scared that I'd get all sick but nope. Not me.
I got lots other things too. Like some stuff from my friends. Legend gave me a book on Vampires. (Vampires are AWESOME, sometimes I wish I was one). Tyson and Amber got me the latest racing broom. It's so AWESOMEEEE Like reallllllyy. Like WOAH! But I can't ride it!!!!! Not until I get to Hogwarts at least.
So thats was probably the good part of my birthday. Bad part: My dad decided that we'd have this big family dinner thing. So my aunt Victoria uncle Mike and cousin Jet came (Amber's parents and little bro) My aunt Victoria is my dad's sister. My uncle Russo also came yesterday. He's 25 and my mothers brother. He's only the only person on my mothers side that we talk to since her death.
So usually Jet is Legend's worse nightmare. That kid is one evil 12 year old. He burnt down Legend's old room back when he used to live with them in England. yes thats true. He BURNT it down. I mean maybe it was only half of it...and maybe he used his unstable magical powers but....he BURNT it. he's almost worse than Tyson. He's that bad.
But tonight he wasn't. You see, it wasn't only a family gathering unfortunately. My dad's "friend" Desirae came. Yes that's right "friend". Yes the " " are in there for a point. Because he calls her his "friend" But it's obvious she isn't. It's obvious she's his girlfriend. I met her a couple times before. Back when they were really friends. She works with my dad, they've known each other for years. She's a pretty nice lady. But that doesn't mean I like her.
One of the reason I don't like her is because she has a crazy wacko son. He's insane. He's mean. And his name is Miguel. He's my age but he clams that he's older because of the month in which he is born. I only met him once not counting yesterday. And he's horrible. When ever adult's aren't around he tortures me, makes fun of Legend because of his name and complains about everything. Psycho kid.
Second reason I don't like her: I don't want another mom. It's obvious they like each other. Alot. i don't like that. I don't want another mom...actually I don't NEED another mom. My real one was bad enough. So i won't go into details about how the night went. Let's just say it was crazy.I should be going now. My dad just knocked on my door. - A.F.C
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you}
Last edited by Kissing.Doves; 05-21-2008 at 12:52 AM.