★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ July 5th
4:05 am
You're probably wondering what I am doing up so late? Or...early? Ha well....I cant sleep. Not because im not tired or anything cause believe me I sooo am. Like dead tired. Zombie dead tired. RAWR. It doesn't have to do with candy either. I only ate 4 packs of Berry Botts Every Flavor Beans, 5 Chocolate Frogs, and 7 lollipops. See? Nothing. Thats below my usual in take of candy during Summer. SO it's not cause i'm not tried, and it's not cause i'm to hyper on candy. Its cause Legend is pernicious.
Yup pernicious aka EVILL! I guess I need to explain. You see this little boy that I call my brother told me that I could not stay up all night! So I was like "Yes I can." And hes like "No you can't" And i'm like "Yes I can." And he's like "No you can't." And I'm like "Yes I can!" And he's like "No you can't" and I'm like "Yes I can." And my dads like "Shut up both of you before I throw Legend into the lit fire place and hire a hundred house elves to attack Lex."
My dad's malicious AKA pernicious AKA evil; too! Threating me with house elves! Those evil yurcky, weird, gross, deleterious (hehe Im awesomely smart to know all these words, that mean evil) creatures! They are.....EVIL. And freaky. And....they had big eyes! And wear no clothes! Yurk.
So thats why im up so late..or early.
So....tomorrow or the day after? Yup the day after my friends should be arriving. Sooo much fun! Divertirsi! (hey I live in Italy why not use some Italian?!?) Im getting better at this non English language though! So thats pretty fun. I should practice while staying up...
Ok...i'm off to practice....maybe? Nah. I'll just write some more?....Maybe?...Nah.
I don't care I'm going to bed. Legend sucks. I'll make Tyson vouch for me tomorrow. I just have to wake up before Legend....grr.
RAWR NIGHT!! - Superdeduper Candy Queen Lexzzz
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you}
Last edited by Kissing.Doves; 05-12-2008 at 04:47 PM.