★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★ July....1st?
Maybe I dunno
Ok So...have you ever been in shock? Like serious shock? Like the shock was soooo bad that you couldn't breath and you thought your heart stopped working and you just stood there (or sat) and couldn't move? (and no i'm NOT asking you journal you are just a bunch of paper).
Anyways...if you have been that shocked before..kudos to you. That must have been scary.I've never been that shocked. Is it even possible? All I know is that today I was so shocked that...well I was shocked. I think it was mostly cause I was confused.
First to explain this whole shocked thing I have to tell you about my family. Don't ask why but I have to. It's important. I know they are boring just bare with me.
Ok so first my dad. My dad barley ever works. Sometimes I go up to him and ask him if he even has a job. He does thought. At the ministry as a Auror. It's kinda hard to see him NOT working because when I was younger all he ever did was work. So...it's kinda nice. However sometimes he gets called out and goes away for weeks on end...that kinda sucks.
Then there's my younger bro. He is 7 and his name is Lysander. We call him Legend. He can be a pain sometimes but I still love him....as long as he doesn't take any of my candy. Because if he does....he's dead. I gave him the nickname Legend when he was born. He was born 3 months early. My dad said something about it being a miracle that he was alive. After that I gave him the name Legend. Legends come from miracles right?
Then there is my mother. Just in case you're wondering, yeah...I have no mom. She's dead. Yup. She died after after my 7th birthday. About a month after.
So it's just me, my dad and my little bro. Sometimes my cousins and my aunt and uncle. Pretty small family.
So back to the whole shocked thing, it happened this morning. So far you know I have a father and a younger brother. What most people don't know (like seriously no one really knew) is that I have an older brother. His name's Tyson. He's been gone...since a little before my mom died? Everyone thought he was "dead" except for me of course. I still used to keep in touch with him. But he didn't want me to tell anyone that he was alive. That's why I was shocked. He was back 0.o. Tyson was the one person I could trust with anything. He was my role model and my best friend when I was younger. He still is. even if he ran away And now he was back. How did I react to that? Simple. I went nuts.
Anywho, I'm going to go bother Tyson some more. I still have to get used to the idea of seeing him again. - Alexiz (Z's are cooler than S's)
__________________ {act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure}  {i'll show you}
Last edited by Kissing.Doves; 05-12-2008 at 04:47 PM.