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aww! how cute.
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Lissy Longbottom
Aww, poor Maddie
She will be allright XD
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Awww! -Cuddles Maddie-
Keep it up Twinneth <3

*pets her*
*licks Twinneth*
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Awww. And Tree Boy will miss his Maddie. <3
Bella: He better

I'm excited for next term 
Clifford: When Maddie was younger, the meanest thing her cousin Warren ever did to her, was to tell her that she was going to have to marry her cousin Clifford.
Maddie was distraught. She did not want to marry Clifford!
Clifford ate bugs! And garden gnomes!
Clifford was gross!
She ran straight to her father, tears streaming down her face.
He hugged her to his chest and gave her a chocolate.
"My dear, you do not have to marry Clifford." he soothed, then launched into a lecture of the importance of marrying one with pure blood, and how it was their responsibility to keep the line alive.
Maddie didn't care. As long as she had her chocolate, and did not have to marry Clifford, she was happy.
Little girls bounce back fast, and Maddie was extremely springy.
Soon she had forgotten all about the mean things that Warren did to her, once she realized how very good looking he was.
Warren had always been like an older brother to her, he taught her everything she knew. How to throw a punch, where to buy the best chocolate, exactly what to do to get on Cliffie's nerves, he even taught Clifford and Maddie how to fly.
Her crush on Warren was a long one. In her eyes, he could do no wrong.
Then, on one particular Christmas Eve, she accidentally walked in on him kissing his girlfriend, and that was the end of that.
I'm pretty sure that she is still not over her Warren crush completely, although she would never admit it.
Let me tell you, if he was not her cousin.