Chapter 9 Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee. Ok guys and girls. Here is the next chapter, a few questions may be answered, i don't know. Lol!!!
Harry appeared outside rons hospital room looking drained. He opened the door and tumbled in, Hermone looked round
"Harry, what are you doing here?" She asked looking surprised, she stood up
"Ginny, Lily, Gone, Taken"He said panting
"What!!, Hary sit down get your breath back and tell me the whole story" Harry sat down for a few seconds to get his breath back. He sarted to tell Hermione his story.
Harry was still sat, telling his story, half an hour later, when they had a happy surprise.
There was movement behind them and when they turned they saw Ron as moving and had his eyes open.
"Ronald"Hermione shouted with joy, she jumped up. Harry smiled but all he could really think about was Ginny and Lily.
A healer walked in at that moment, She looked at Ron then suddenly ran out shouting "He's awack, He's awack."
Rons eyes had amusement in them.
For the next hour healers, family and friends came and went, taking no notice of Harry's sadness.
It was annoced that Ron was going to recover, He will be scared for life and while hes recovering he won't be able be able to move or speak, but will be able to hear.
Hermione and Mrs Weasley were crying with happynes. Mr weasley, Charlie(and wife), George(and wife) were beaming. Bill and Fleur had not yet arrived.
Harry stood up, mumbled something about getting a drink and left. But he heard foorsteps behind him.
"Harry wait" It was Mr weasleys voice. Harry slowed down so Mr weasley could catch him
"Whats the matter Harry?, you seem really down, and wheres Ginny and Lily?"
"Put me down" Albus wriggled in Hagrids grip, Hagrid ignored him and carryed on down to his cabin.
Hagrid walked accross his pumpkin patch and into his small, but cozy cabin. Hagrid finally let Albus down,
"Sit while i make a cup of tea and we'll talk" He went to the stove to fill with water to boil. Albus sat down sulkly.
" 'ere you are" Albus looked at the tea Hagrid put in front of him.
"Albus your friends tell me you have been down lately"
"I just miss Rose, Ok?" He replied sulkly
"I know what your going through"
"NO YOU DONT!" Albus shouted, tears in his eyes. Albus ran out of the cabon and up towards the castle. Something made him stop. Ok so what do you think??? chapter 10 will be up soon, once i've finished writing it, Lol!!!
luv ya always
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Beware. |