Chapter 8 Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee. Ok everyone this is all you have been waiting for. Hehe Lol!!! Chapter 8. so what am i waiting for???
Here we are guys
Harry dragged himself off the sofa, by now he had swollen eyes from crying. The love of his life and only daughter was gone. ‘Would I see them again?’ he asked himself. He looked around for his wand, which had fallen on the floor when he had fallen.
‘What ever it takes, I’ll get them all back, even if it costs me my life’ he thought again. Harry turned on the spot, there was a loud pop and he was gone. The house was left empty, bare. So many memories left, everything destroyed.
Suddenly Ginny and Lily appeared from behind an over turned table, binded and gagged, both with tears rolling down there cheeks. Following them was Yaxley.
“You know your husband is rather stupid, and is going to die very soon.” Yaxley sneered pulling Ginny’s head back by her long red hair. Ginny tried to pull away from him, which made him laugh even more. He grapped them both by the forearm and turned on the spot. They, like Harry, disappeared with a loud pop.
Yaxley, Ginny and Lily appeared in the same dark creepy room, Rose had been in once before, and like when Rose was there, and there was only a burning fireplace and a chair facing it.
“Yaxley, well done” a cold creep voice came from the chair. It turned and the person faced them. She had long dark hair and her face was chalked white. She was wearing a long clock; the clock was far too big for her
‘It looks familiar to me’ Ginny thought
“Yaxley, leave so I can talk to our guests”
“Yes master” Yaxley bowed and quickly left the room.
“So what have we got here?, Harry potter’s wife and child, I am Lord Vulture and when you reply to me you call me master” She flicked her wand and the binds and gags left Ginny and Lily body’s instantly. Ginny grapped Lily’s hand, this was not missed by Lord Vulture.
“Now, now we can’t have this. Malfoy!” She shouted. Malfoy immedietly ran in.
“Yes master”
“Take Harry potter’s wife and put her in the dungeon, I need to talk with our other guest here”
Malfoy took hold of Ginny’s forearm and started to pull her towards the door.
“Mummy” Lily shouted trying to take hold of Ginny’s outstretched hand. Malfoy pulled her towards the door again.
When they were nearly at the door Lord Vulture spoke
“Wait, I want her to see what happens if they don’t co-operate” She pointed her wand at Lily.
“NO!!” Ginny shouted
“Cruico” Lord Vulture shouted at the same time.
The spell hit Lily on the middle of the chest. Lily screamed in pain and fell to the floor.
“Lily” Ginny screamed trying to get out of Malfoy’s strong grip. Malfoy was just looking at Lily’s limp body with sadness and hatred (Hatred at Lord Vulture)
Lord Vulture laughed Du…Du…Du!
That’s got you thinking. Lol!!!!
More soon
luv ya all
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Beware. |