Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee. Im bored, Im really bored. I can't be borthered to do my homework so im going to post for all you wonderful people reading.
Im actully sad enough i've written this whole speach down. Help! Im going mad.
Ok guys before i post the next chapter i'd like to say a few things first. 1: that i will be able to post mre this wekend as my brother is away(He owns this computer(the one im using)) But my sister was going to sleep at her friends but the car brokedown so thats going to hold me up. Not!!! Nothing will. 2:Is that i really wanted to link this story to my profile so when itz finished(I really don't know why im on about it being finished, I am really going mad. Hehehe) then you dont have to look in all the pages og fiished fan fics to find mine.
One amazing thing is that i've had sooo much fun writing this story(still writing) so far that i've actually started writting my own character story(Before i've finished this one)Lol!!!(Im noting giving anything away). Itz called:
Tinkerbell Evens....her life diary....
OHMYGOD!!! you all must be very bored by now too, me ramberling on when i promised a chapter. ok scroll down fro the next chapter.
Lord Vulture went mad with rage
“How dare you,” she screamed, “Cruico” Rose screamed in pain. Lord Vulture let out a high-pitched laugh.
“This is what happens to anyone that disobeys me” She said after Rose had stopped screaming. Rose fell to the floor in a heap, to weak to move.
“Get up” Lord vulture snarled
Rose slowly and weakly got of the floor. She stood facing Lord Vulture.
“Now Rose do you know who I am?” She asked calmly
“N…No” Rose stammered in reply
“When you speak to me you must call me master. Now I’m Lord Vulture (Preferring Lord then Lady)” Lord Vulture looked at Rose with sharp eyes. Rose just nodded.
“How do you know my name….”Rose asked without saying master
“Master, call me master. I know your name because you are Harry Potter’s child and you are bait”
Rose looked at Lord Vulture trying not to laugh
“I’m not Harry Potter’s child; my parents are Ron and Hermione Weasley… ma…”
“What?” Lord Vulture screamed before Rose could finish what she was going to say. “Yaxley, Malfoy (I don’t own these names, they belong to J.K Rowling)” She screamed. The next second two men ran in, one tall, blond hair with an ugly looking face(Yaxley) and the other slightly shorter, with dark greasy (as If he hadn’t washed it in weeks) and a handsome looking face(Malfoy). Rose recognized the taller one as her kidnapper.
“Yes master” they both said knelling, Rose could see they were trammelling as if they were scared of Lord Vulture, like she was.
“Yaxley you idiot. This is not the potter’s child; this is one of the blood traitors, Weasley.” She said the name Weasley with hatred. Yaxley looked up, with horror in his face.
“Go get a member his family NOW! And Malfoy throw this thing (Pointing at Rose) in the dungeon” She flicked her hand and they both jumped up.
“Yes master” They said
Yaxley ran out the room as fast as his legs could go and Malfoy took hold of Rose’s shoulders and pulled her out of the room.
‘This one seems nicer then the other one’ Rose thought.
Harry was holding Ginny’s and Lily’s hand, a couple of hours after Hermione had woken up, on their way to there car. When they arrived at there car he let go of their hands and opened the driver’s door. Ginny opened the back passenger door to help lily get in. Once they were all strapped in they made there long journey to there country house (It happens to be the same house Harry lived in as a baby), miles and miles from London.
Hours later Harry pulled the car up, by their front gate, and looked up at the house in horror. He quickly jumped out of the car, Ginny doing the same also helping Lily out. Together they walked up to the house. The front door was hanging on its hinges, their garden was destroyed (Flowers trampled on and the grass pulled from the ground). All three were dreading what the inside would look like.
“Stay behind me.” Harry said standing in front of them and pulling out his wand, Ginny pulled out her wand too. Lily took her mother and father’s hand.
“Harry slowly moved the door, so they could get inside. Inside the house was a tip, Furniture ruined, ornaments broken, pictures on the floor, pages raped from the book that were on the floor. They just couldn’t stop looking at the mess
“My doll” Lily shouted running to the middle of the living room where her doll was, with its head pulled off.
“Annabelle” She said addressing the doll, she started to cry. Ginny moved away from Harry and walked over to Lily to try and calm her down.
“It’s alright Lily, it can be fixed. Look,” Ginny lifted her wand and pointed it at the doll, “Repario, there good as new” Lily smiled and hugged the doll tightly.
“You stay here, I’m going to look upstairs” Harry said from the doorway. They watched him go. Harry looked in Lily’s room, which was ruined. Next he looked into his and Ginny’s room, which was the same state as Lily’s. All the rooms were the same. Just as he was coming out of James’s room. He heard a scream, It was Ginny.
Then the screaming stopped. Harry teared himself down the stairs to the living room shouting Ginny and Lily’s names. It was empty. He looked in the other room but found them nowhere. Harry fell on the sofa, crying.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be honest I don’t really like this chapter. I feel like itz not as good as the others
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Last edited by Ladybug; 04-22-2008 at 02:48 PM.