Another one. Ok....Emmylyne and Stephan are both property of Gwacie
One Moment
My name’s Remington Seth McClane. I am almost thirteen year’s old. I have brown hair and electric blue eyes; but that’s beside the point. Anyways I once heard that one moment can change your life forever. That must have happened to me. The sad thing is that I can’t even remember what happened.
It wasn’t even cold. Not cold at all. The air was pretty warm. So why am I shaking? Why did I have goosebumps all over my arms? Where am I? Looking around the room I blinked. I know for sure that this was not where I was supposed to be. I was supposed to be in the library close to the book store…right? I tried to stand up and my knees buckled; they hurt a lot. What was wrong with me? Looking down on my hands I noticed something; they were covered in something red. My clothes were too. Was it…it looked like….blood. Almost gagging I closed my eyes. Big mistake.
It was like what had happened earlier was playing in my head. Like A movie.
“I’m going out mom.” I said grabbing my backpack. It was a Friday night during summer. Most kids would be hanging out with their friends rather than go to the library. I didn’t mind though, I had no friends, and that didn’t bother me either. After I heard the ok from my mom I saw my little sister Blair mouth the word “loner”. Like I cared. Heading outside I began to walk, barley noticing the full moon outside. There was this kind of forest by out house; it was the fastest way to go to the library. I hesitated for a moment because I’ve never been in the forest at night before, but I still went because I was no chicken. After ten minutes of walking through thick bushes and trees I knew I would be out soon. But soon didn’t come soon enough; I had heard a sound. Like a wolf. I have to admit I was kinda scared. Before I knew it the sound was getting closer and closer I began to run when my backpack got caught onto a branch then what I saw surprised me. It was a werewolf not a wolf a werewolf.
As if the movie ended my mind went blank. What had happened next? No idea. I wish I could remember. Pounding my head with my fist I stopped. Ewww I was getting blood all over my head. Sighing I dropped my hands on the ground. Time to think. Concentrate. Remember Remmy, remember. As if the movie started up again I began to see another scene. I wasn’t in the woods, it seemed like I had missed a big chunk of what happened but at least I would still see it.
I was in a big room. It reminded me of a hospital or something. Yes that’s what it reminded me of. Trying to get up I realized that I was tied down to one of the beds. I tried to speak but all that came out was a growl. Like the one the werewolf had. Weird. A tall man with dirty blonde hair and slowly walked toward me. Not too close however. “Now clam down, Remington, I am Stephan Saunders and I’m a healer.” The man said in a French accent. For some reason what he said made me mad. And I barley understood him. I wanted to attack him though; I knew that. Attack him and hurt him. Then I realized something trying to get a glace at a mirror on one of the walls where a blonde girl with earth toned eyes was sitting I gasped. I was a werewolf.
“Remington clam down.” The man said again. “Emmylyne I want you to leave. This is dangerous you shouldn’t be here in the first place.” Hearing the man speak again I felt like I wanted to rip off his head. He just wouldn’t shut up!
The girl looked at the man and was about to aruge back or something then guess what? Bye bye movie. Shouting out with rage I began to hit the floor. Hard. Stupid!!! WHY wouldn’t I see the rest? I NEEDED to know what happened.
The movie turned on again. What I saw made me throw up.
The man, the one that had been telling me to clam down was on the ground bleeding a lot. His arm’s and face all had deep cuts on them. The girl was screaming hysterically and a bunch of other wizards were trying to restrain me.
Once again the movie shut off. But this time I knew it was for good. I had attacked the man. He could very well be dead right now. I was a werewolf and I had attacked someone. Part of me felt sorry. The man was only trying to help. The poor girl, she would probably have to live with the memory of me attacking her father, while I could barley remember what I had done. But the other part of me…liked the feeling of thinking what I had done to the man. That’s what he got for butting into my business. Leading back on a wall behind me I smirked. Sooo this was his blood. Interesting, for some reason knowing all this made me feel…good.
My name’s Remington Seth McClane. I am almost thirteen year’s old. I have brown hair and electric blue eyes; but that’s beside the point. Anyways I once heard that one moment can change your life forever. That must have happened to me. I got bitten by a werewolf and became one. Then I attacked a healer and might have killed him. And all I can think about is; I wonder if I’d be able to do this again.