Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee. Hi guys heres he next chapter i promised. sorry for the delay
Ok here goes.
Albus whipped around himself looking for any sign of Rose.
"Where can she be"he whispered to himself. He stood there a moment longer before tearing back up the station.
"oy! you first year your going the wrong way" someone shouted
a moment longer everyone was shouting at him. He took no notice, his one and only mission was to find Rose.
"Help!" Rose said through her sobs
it was the day after Rose was taken by surprise back at the station once she had let go of Albus's hand. while she was looking for Albus she was grabbed from behind and she was pulled away before she could shout for help.
"shut up you annoying little brat" Her kidnapper snapped at her. "i hate children and i hate when they cry" he said to himself.
'the quicker i finish this mission the happier I'll be' he thought to himself
Rose let out another sob from where she was lying
'she better not be crying all night' he thought again 'because if she is I'm going....'
"to really hurt you" he finished his thought aloud
Hermione was lying on Ron's shoulder crying for what felt like the 100th time that day. They had been told about Rose's disapperence a few hours earlier has Albus had no luck finding her. He had gone strait to a teacher, crying, and told of Rose's disapperence. After a full search was done with nothing but a letter, which said.... Theres no point looking for your little friend
shes with me..........
you can have her back, if i feel like giving her back,
once you hand over potter.
Lord Vulture
they had told Hermione and Ron,and Hermione had cried since
"Hermione, shh... you've been crying since we were told"Ron whispered kissing her lightly on the forehead.
"Ron, out daughter has been taken, what do you expect me to do?" She snarled "Its like you don't care." she finished
"How dare you."He shouted jumping up from his seating place "She's my daughter, of course i care." He stormed out of the room
"Ron please, i didn't mean it, I'm just so angry that someone took Rose" Hermione shouted running after Ron. She took hold of his hand and turned him round to face her.
"Ron please......"She started
"No Hermione, forget it"he interrupted her before storing out the house.
Hermione starred after him before falling to her knees crying again.
"Mummy please don't cry" Hugo said running up to his mum.
Hermione ignored him.
"Mummy your scaring me"He half shouted, half screamed. Hermione looked up from where she was sitting, once Hugo was certain he had her full attention he carried on.
"mummy whats the matt......"
suddenly there was a urgent knock at the door.
Ok there you go. tell me what you think.
I'll write chapter 3 soon.
__________________ ♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥  ___________________Look Who's Back.
Last edited by Ladybug; 03-10-2008 at 03:45 PM.